Dib and Tak's Relationship | Invader ZIM Wiki | Fandom
Tak and Dib in the school-yard. Although they only interact for a single produced episode, Dib does treat Tak differently than the rest of the Skoolchildren, and even differently from other Irkens when he discovers what she really is.
Dib/Tak (Invader Zim) - Works | Archive of Our Own
After passing out in the desert trying to get a glimpse at Area 51, Dib is found by Tak, who had been living in the area for 5 years at that point. When old memories and feelings are stirred up, plans arise and realizations must be faced with the help of a …
The Tak Lovers - FanFiction
The Irkens have conqured Earth and Dib is the most wanted criminal hunted down under Tak's command. Dib is on the run for his life. Zim is governer of Earth too.
Tak - Invader ZIM Wiki
Tak is an Irken and a minor antagonist in Invader Zim. Her main goal is to take Zim's "mission" because Zim had ruined her training as an Invader. Vicious and determined, she's more focused on trying to gain for herself an honorable title as an Invader than revenge. She claims that Zim just happens to be in the way of getting it.
DATR of DOOM! - FanFiction
2013年11月25日 · After passing out in the desert trying to get a glimpse at Area 51, Dib is found by Tak, who had been living in the area for 5 years at that point. When old memories and feelings are stirred up, plans arise and realizations must be faced with the help of a friendly old woman who isn't all that she seems.
Tak Loves Dib, an invader zim fanfic | FanFiction
Dib realized how much he loved Tak, he had always loved her, but just couldn't admit it. She was Irken, and he knew they would be fighting for their own planet's glory. However, It was rather pointless, seeing as the planet doesn't give a crap about them, and berates them every single day to the breaking point.
Dib & Tak (Invader Zim) - Works | Archive of Our Own
2024年12月22日 · Tak, a young Irken invader is sent on a top secret mission to “Urth” by her Almighty Tallests, with intent to conquer the planet for the Irken Empire. Until, she meets a special someone, Gaz Membrane. Daughter of a famous “Urthinoid” scientist, Professor Membrane. Does she still want to destroy “Urth” ?
Tak: The Hideous New Girl (Transcript) - Invader ZIM Wiki
Tak: My leaders, I offer a gift to prove my worthiness as an invader. I have created a magma pump to hollow out the Earth's molten core. Zim: I could do that. Tak: Once empty I will fill the planet with snacks as an offering to my Tallest. Dib: Your leaders are …
Tak - Snafu Comics Wiki
Invader Tak is a main antoganist of Invader Zim and main character of Invader Zim: Manifest Doom. She originates from the Nickelodeon show, Invader Zim. Tak appeared on the scene when Gaz was holding Dib down to the ground. She said it …
Dib and Tak - Earth Traditions, an invader zim fanfic | FanFiction
"Just for a moment," Dib urged. He much preferred seeing Tak as an irken than a human. Her natural eyes were so beautiful compared to the holographic ones. She sighed in defeat. "Fine. For you, I will." She mentally ordered her hologram to turn off. It did, allowing her irken self to flicker into view. Dib couldn't help smiling.