[2e] Monster Mythology Update: Diinkarazan, the Mad God : …
2021年12月1日 · The second of the Derro Twins, banished from the Morndinsamman for their crimes, is Diinkarazan, the Mad God. Betrayed by his brother and imprisoned by Ilsensine, he has been driven mad by the hallucinations inflicted by the mind flayer god. However, he gains lucidity periodically, but not for long enough to effect his freedom.
[2e] Monster Mythology Update: Diinkarazan, the Mad God : …
2021年12月1日 · The second of the Derro Twins, banished from the Morndinsamman for their crimes, is Diinkarazan, the Mad God. Betrayed by his brother and imprisoned
Is Buppido the mortal avatar of Diinkarazan? : r/OutoftheAbyss
2020年9月7日 · In my campaign I want Orcus to be more involved, so I'm using Buppido as a unknowing follower of him. He thinks he's Diinkarazan in mortal form, but it's just his crazy derro mind not understanding that he's channeling Orcus through the faerzress in his lair. It better explains the undead that fight for him in my opinion.
Callarduran Smoothhands, Diirinka, and Eilistraee - Reddit
2023年10月25日 · Diirinka, the brother-betrayer, is often seen as the father of the derro race, twisting his former dwarf followers into the hateful things they are today. Along with his brother Diinkarazan, he practiced the cross-trade on Ilsensine, but when the illithid god tumbled to the theft, he abandoned his brother and escaped with some of Ilsensine's magic.
A list of more than 100 derro names for your enjoyment, or D&D …
2022年12月7日 · Many derro names borrow some name fragment from individuals in their mythology, such as the gods Diirinka and Diinkarazan Just as the last points; all the names are generated exactly according to the rules in the DRAGON magazine article, with no chances made to them, even if the article pretty much give you the right to make adjustments.
Gods in the Abyss : r/Forgotten_Realms - Reddit
2024年6月19日 · Banner thanks to u/HanzoHouse! Dungeons and Dragons, or D&D, is the worlds foremost Table Top Role Playing Game, and one of the longest lived.
The Cornwallis Affair - Entry 34 (Derro) : r/DnD - Reddit
2022年9月28日 · To hear the Derro tell it, their sibling gods, Diirinka and Diinkarazan, stealing the magic of the great evil to enable them to escape. Diirinka is said to have done this by betraying Diinkarazan in a most cunning manner, establishing the Derro sacred virtues of Deceitfulness, Cleverness, and Cruelty.
[Out of the Abyss] Turn Oozing Temple into a Horror Scenario?
2016年2月26日 · My players have ended up in the Oozing Temple with Buppido and Shuushar, and have just ended the last session with a long rest after exploring most of the area. I've been thinking about what I could do next session (tomorrow), and I sort of like the idea of having Buppido betray the party here and try to sacrifice them to Diinkarazan.
The Madmind - the unconscionable cross-breed of Derro and
2024年4月7日 · My party is moving into an Illithid-centric game after our Lost Mines/Dragon of Icespire Peak mish-mash, and doing some rabbit-hole dwelling I realized that the Illithiderro had overwhelmed the colony beneath Gauntlgrym but never received a statblock!
D&D lore questions - What deities dwell in the Abyss? : r/DnD
Umberlee – Ocean, sea winds - 13th Beshaba – (FR) Mischief, Bad luck - 13th Hiddukel – (Dragonlance) Greed, Betrayal – 333th