dim - FCI Cyber | Zero Trust Cybersecurity
Managed Endpoint Protection Computer, Server, Smartphone, and Tablet
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3. dim a2 denotes maximum o.d. of wire insulation permissible refer ul1015. 4. product spec: gs-12-1267. 5. application spec: gs-20-0435. 6. applicable housing pn: 10129443-* ,10128858-*, 10128887-*. part number description plating dim a1 dim b1 dim c1 dim a2 dim b2 dim c2 dim m dim p dim h dim l dim n 10135689-091102lf formed 10-12awg mfbl ...
DDR5 SO-DIMM連接器 - Amphenol FCI - Mouser
Amphenol FCI DDR5 SO-DIMM連接器提供了高速和高頻寬,且尺寸只有一般DIMM的一半,功耗更低,同時可改善熱管理。 此系列採用0.50 mm間距的高密度設計,可節省電路板空間。
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Amphenol FCI 63453
www.fci.comcat. no. Product - Customer Drw sheet 1 of 2 K dwg no 63453 title VCC (HTP) MINITEK II rev appr Tim Yao 2021-12-28 product family rel level Change In Progress chr Li-Qing Lei 2021-12-28 ecn no eng Yuan-Yuan Bao 2021-12-28 MM A3 5:1 dr JANET 2000-05-30 projection size scale PC BOARD THK: 0.9 TO 1.3 FOR PIP; 1.57#0.13 FOR WAVE SOLDERING.
Amphenol Communications Solutions | DigiKey Electronics
Amphenol Communications Solutions 是 Amphenol 旗下的一个部门,于 2017 年 1 月由 Amphenol FCI (AFCI) 和 Amphenol IT noise cancelling directivity 联合成立。
PCIe 连接器 - Amphenol ICC (FCI) | DigiKey
Amphenol 不断扩充的第 4 代和第 5 代垂直 PCIe® 连接器提供表面贴装 (SMT)、通孔焊接、压配 (PF) 和跨装端接选择。 这些 PCIe® 连接器通常用于台式 PC 的 I/O 卡以及各种数据通信中的应用,具体适用于服务器、工作站、路由器、工业嵌入式系统、接口处理以及诸如机械硬盘 (HDD) 和固态硬盘 (SSD) 之类的数据存储设备。 Amphenol ICC 的 PCIe M.2 第 3 代和第 4 代连接器以 0.50 mm 的间距提供 67 个触点。 与 PCIe 迷你卡连接器相比,它占用的电路板空间更少,提供更多 …
English - Amphenol CS
FCI Basics Products provides a modular interconnection platform of high quality and innovative solutions with a fast and competitive service model that helps to increase the competitiveness of our customer's equipment. Our solutions include Wire-to-Board, Board-to …
fci | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
FCI Connectors are a range of high-speed, high-density, and high-performance connectors from Amphenol, a leading manufacturer of electronic connectors. Browse FCI Connectors by category, such as memory card, USB, DSUB, and HDMI connectors, and find the best solution for …
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Amphenol FCI 85698
DIM C REF. 13.2 REF. 12.44 REF. DIM B REF. DIM A REF. 1.28 REF. 2 0.5 REF.1.3 REF. 2 14 MIN. 2 6 0.8 +0.2-0.1 2.55 REF 13.2 REF. RECOMMENDED HOLE PATTERN, COMPONENT SIDE. DIM D REF WIDE BODY HEADER # 85698-XYYLF REFER DRAWING # 10159408 LEAD FREE PART NUMBER G LOADING PATTERN PDS: Rev :G STATUS:Released Printed: Nov 09, 2020. of. sheet. title ...