AUL LibGuides: DIMEFIL: Instruments of Power
2024年8月6日 · These instruments include diplomatic, informational, military, economic, financial, intelligence, and law enforcement (DIME-FIL) activities. Each instrument of national power …
DIMEFIL Framework explained - Toolshero
2024年10月21日 · What is the DIMEFIL framework? The DIMEFIL framework is a framework for describing and assessing national power. It includes a perspective on seven different elements …
2020年4月1日 · Despite how long the DIME has been used for describing the instruments of national power, U.S. policymakers and strategists have long understood that there are many …
Utilization of the DIMEFIL Framework in a Case Study Analysis …
2020年11月8日 · An analytical framework that relies upon the instruments of national power: Diplomatic, Information, Military, Economic, Financial, Intelligence, and Law Enforcement …
The Effectiveness of DIMEFIL Instruments of Power in the Gray …
This report assesses the effectiveness of DIMEFIL instruments in the context of two main threats that characterize the current security landscape. First is the rise of aggressive non-state actors …
Military - DIMEFIL - AUL LibGuides at Air University Library
2024年8月6日 · The U.S. employs the military at home and abroad in support of its national security goals. While the ultimate purpose of the U.S. Armed Forces is to fight and win the …
Diplomatic - DIMEFIL - AUL LibGuides at Air University Library
2024年8月6日 · Diplomacy is the principal instrument for engagement with other states and foreign groups to advance U.S. values, interests, and objectives and to solicit foreign support …
Understanding the operational environment: the expansion of …
2007年4月1日 · DIMEFIL is an extension of the DIME construct that can be found in the National Strategy for Combating Terrorism (NSCT) and the National Military Strategic Plan for the War …
The Effectiveness of Dimefil Instruments of Power in the Gray …
2017年12月29日 · This report assesses the effectiveness of DIMEFIL instruments in the context of two main threats that characterize the current security landscape. First is the rise of …
Defense Technical Information Center - DTIC
All too often, military operations are planned and conducted without a clear understanding of the political endgame expected to occur on the adversarys side, or by simply assuming rational …