(高清正版) DIN 11866-2016 - 道客巴巴
2019年2月14日 · 免责声明:本站大部分文章出于提供更多信息与网友共享而转载文章,文章版权属于原创者。谢谢合作!本人大部分资料均来自网络,请注意保护知识产权,请您下载后勿作商用,只可学习交流使用。
DIN 11866 tubes This norm was the first within this range and consists of many details which also count for the DIN 11865 and DIN 11864. To meet the applications within the Bio-industry, the norm is differentiating on 3 levels. Besides these 3 ranges, there is also a distinction in surface finishing (hygienic class) and material sort.
DIN 11866 (2016-11-00) - 道客巴巴
2017年8月13日 · 内容提示: November 2016 DEUTSCHE NORM Preisgruppe 10DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. · Jede Art der Vervielfältigung, auch auszugsweise, nur mit Genehmigung des DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin, gestattet.ICS 23.040.10!%Y+9"2540822www.din.deDIN 11866Komponenten aus nichtrostendem Stahl für aseptische Anwendungen in der chemischen und pharmazeutischen ...
DIN 11866 - 2016-11 - DIN Media
This standard applies to dimensions, materials, internal and external surface finish and marking of seamless and welded stainless steel tubes with external diameters ranging from 6,35 mm to 219,1 mm for tubing systems and outlet tubes for fittings in …
DIN 11866 - Stainless steel components for aseptic applications in …
2016年11月1日 · Diese Norm gilt für Maße, Ausführung und Werkstoffe von Rohrverschraubungen mit O-Ring, zum Stumpfschweißen an Rohren mit Abmessungen nach DIN 11866. Die Rohrverschraubungen sind für folgende...
DIN 11866:2016 用于化学和制药行业无菌应用的不锈钢部件 管 标 …
2025年2月26日 · DIN 11866:2016的标准全文信息,用于化学和制药行业无菌应用的不锈钢部件 管, Stainless steel components for aseptic applications in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry - Tubes, Komponente
DIN 11866:2016-11 用于化学和制药行业无菌应用的不锈钢部件 管 …
2025年3月12日 · Stainless steel components for aseptic applications in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry - Tubes / Note: Applies in conjunction with DIN EN 10088-1 (2014-12), DIN EN 10216-5 (2014-03), DIN EN 10217-7 (2015-01).
PDF Download DIN 11866 [EN]: Stainless Steel Components for …
DIN 11866 is a comprehensive standard that sets specifications for stainless steel tubes used in aseptic applications in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The standard covers various aspects of the tubes, including their dimensions, tolerances, materials, surface conditions, tests, and designations.
DIN 11866:2008 无菌、化工和药业用不锈钢管.材料尺寸 标准
4 天之前 · DIN 11866:2008 无菌、化工和药业用不锈钢管.材料尺寸 Stainless steel tubes for aseptic, chemical and pharmaceutical industries - Dimensions, materials
Edelstahlservice Sulz GmbH :: Pharmapipes DIN 11866
The standards DIN 11866 - 2008 specifies seamless and welded pipes for aseptic, chemical and pharmaceutical applications. The dimensions base on form parts and connections acc. to DIN 11864 and DIN 11865. Dimensions. Inner and outer surface quality. All pipes can be delivered with APZ 3.1 acc. to EN 10204, AD2000-W2 upon inquiry.