DIN 13-1 (1999-11-00) - 道客巴巴
2017年7月5日 · 内容提示: DEUTSCHE NORM November 1999Metrisches ISO-Gewinde allgemeiner AnwendungTeil 1: Nennmaße für RegelgewindeGewinde-Nenndurchmesser von 1 mm bis 68 mm{13-1ICS 21.040.10ISO general purpose metric screw threads – Part 1: Nominal sizes forcoarse pitch threads; Nominal diameter from 1 mm to 68 mmFiletages métriques ISO pour usages généraux – Partie 1: Dimensionsnominales pour ...
Metric ISO thread DIN 13-1 - ACI Industriearmaturen GmbH
Metric ISO thread DIN 13-1. Here you will find the dimensions of the worldwide standardised metric thread according to DIN 13-1 with a flank angle of 60°.
ISO Metric Coarse Thread DIN 13-1 - Gewindenormen
This thread is a globally standardized thread, it replaces older metric thread and most threads with inch dimensions. The label consists of the letter M followed by a number indicating the nominal diameter, the flank angle is 60 °.
DIN 13-1-1999 eng 通用ISO米制螺纹.第1部分_粗牙螺纹的公称尺 …
2024年1月11日 · It specifies the nominal sizes for 1 mm to 68 mm diameter coarse pitch threads having the basic profile specified in DIN IS0 68-1 and the nominal profile specified in DIN 13-19. 2 Normative references This standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications.
DIN 13-1:1999 普通ISO米制螺纹.第1部分:粗牙螺纹的标称尺寸.螺 …
3 天之前 · DIN 13-1:1999的标准全文信息,该文件规定了标称尺寸。 The document specifies nominal sizes.普通ISO米制螺纹.第1部分:粗牙螺纹的标称尺寸.螺纹标称直径1--68mm, ISO general purpose metric screw threads - Part 1:
10.5 DIN 13 ISO Metric threads ISO Metric threads – DIN 13 (Thread limits for standard engagement lengths to UNI 5545-65) Nominal thread-Ø Gra-dient P Screw with tolerance of 6g Nut screw with tolerance of 6H Ø major d Ø pitch d 2 Ø minor d 1 Ø major D Ø pitch D Ø minor D max. min. max. min. max. min. min. max. min. max. min. max.
Extract rom DIN ISO Standard | Page 2149 DIN 13 Metric ISO Thread Extract Tolerance Fields 6g / 6H Nominal thread Ø Gradient P Bolt thread 6g Nut thread 6H Major Ø d Pitch Ø d 2 Minor Ø d 1 Major Ø D Pitch Ø D 2 Minor Ø D 1 Max. Min. Max. min. max. min. min. max. min. max. min. max. M 2,5 0,45 2,480 2,380 2,188 2,117 1,928 1,840 2,500 ...
DIN 13-1 (1999) - General Purpose ISO Metric Screw Threads
DIN 13-1 (1999) - General Purpose ISO Metric Screw Threads - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document summarizes the Deutsche Norm standard for general purpose ISO metric screw threads with nominal sizes ranging from 1 mm to 68 mm diameter.
Metric ISO standard thread according to DIN 13-1 - Taps and …
The metric ISO standard thread is standardized according to the DIN 13-1 standard, which covers standard threads with an outer diameter of 1 to 68 mm. This standard was first defined back in 1949, but has been revised and updated many times since then.
DIN 13-1:1999-11 ISO 通用公制螺纹 第1部分:粗牙螺纹的公称尺 …
它规定了直径从1 mm到68 mm的普通螺纹的基本尺寸。 该标准对德国国家标准进行了修订,反映了最新的ISO规范,并移除了旧版中的计算公式,仅保留了最终结果。 此外,... 分析测试百科网标准频道是为分析测试行业提供标准信息检索而建立,方便分析测试行业从业人员查找适用的标准。 本页面内容根据标准题录信息制作,有可能不准确甚至可能有错误。 如需准确的标准信息,请参阅正式版完整文本。 部分标准提供预览和封面图,这些内容由系统根据一般约定生成,不意味 …