DIN 71802 Angled Ball Joints Steel - Elesa+Ganter
Steel Steel / Stainless Steel, with Threaded Ball Shank and Rivet Ball Shank DIN 71802 ELESA+GANTER®. Discover the product specifications and technical features.
球面铰链和球形轴套组合 DIN 71802 - 1992 - 易紧通
DIN 71805 - 1990: 角形头,球形轴套,保险环 Angle Joints; Housings, Circlips: 2 [德标] DIN 71803 - 1988: 球面铰链 Angle Joints with Screw Studs, with Rivet Studs: 3 [德标] DIN 48059 - 1978: 双端球形销 Twin-balled Pins for Overhead Power Lines: 4 [汽标代号] Q 746: 汽车用球头接 …
DIN 71802-角形球节-钢制 3D模型下载_标准件模型 ... - 3DSource
din 71802-角形球节-钢制接头,万向节,关节轴承,球头,角型球节,轴承,3d模型,cad模型。 3DSource零件库是当前国内支持 CAD 软件平台最多、支持标准最新、包含零部件种类最为丰富的零件库平台。
Stainless Steel Angled Ball Joints DIN 71802 | Ganter
Stainless ateel angled ball joints DIN 71802 consist of a ball socket DIN 71805 and a ball shank DIN 71803. The angle of rotation for the type with safety catch (Type CSN) is 15°, without safety catch (Type CN) is 18°.
Threaded Ball Joint Linkages DIN 71802 | JW Winco - JW Winco …
Threaded ball joint linkages DIN 71802 consist of a ball socket DIN 71805 and a ball stud DIN 71803. The swivel angle for the type with safety catch (types CS) is 15°, without safety catch (types C) it is 18°. During assembly, the ball socket is …
DIN 71802 角形球节 钢制 | Elesa+Ganter
钢制 钢 / 不锈钢 带螺纹球头及铆接球柄 DIN 71802 伊莉莎+冈特. 了解产品参数和技术优势.
角接头 DIN 71802 CS 型,带螺柱 - mbo Oßwald GmbH & Co KG
2021年6月21日 · Angle joint in accordance with DIN 71802 with ball stud and spanner surface. The most widespread design is the variant defined in DIN 71802, form CS. Thanks to the use of an additional circlip, this joint provides additional protection against unintended disconnection, for example when assembled in a suspended position.
DIN 71802:1992-04 带开口簧环或不带开口簧环的球形接头 标准全文
2025年3月6日 · DIN 71802:1992-04的标准全文信息,给出的尺寸适用于由球头螺栓及其外壳组成的球头。此外,还给出了腐蚀要求。#,,#The dimensions are given for ball joints consisting of ball studs and their housings. Furthermor
DIN71802 - 1992【球面铰链和球形轴套组合】角形球节 CS型 (DIN 71802 …
din71802 - 1992【球面铰链和球形轴套组合】角形球节 cs型 (din 71802 - 1992) din 71802-1992 首页 紧固件 标准 材料 展会 北京宏道紧固技术有限公司
din 71802 角形球节包含 din 71805 球座和 din 71803 球柄。 带有安全销型号(Types CS, BS, CSN)的旋转角度为15°,不带安全销型 号(Types CS, BS, CSN) 的旋转角度为18°。