DING DRUM 索爱_mp3 - 音效库 - 爱给网
爱给网提供海量的实录音效库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp3 格式的DING DRUM 索爱, 本站编号68252581, 该实录音效库素材大小为117k, 时长为00:14, 声道为立体声, 音质为低品质, 比特率为64k, 采样率为44100k, 更多精彩实录音效库素材,尽在爱给网。
手碟 - 百度百科
手碟(Hang)是一种 打击乐器,由两名 瑞士 人菲力‧霍那(Felix Rohner)和萨宾娜‧谢雷(Sabina Schärer)于2000年所创。 手碟由两个半球型的钢模通过氮作用过程 (gas-nitriding)组合而成,形同UFO。 其上部有八到九个音, 中心点 为基础音“Ding”,其余七或八个音环绕分布。 底部的中心有个孔,为低音“Gu”,也可为调音用。 手碟,英文名Hang,于2000 年由两名瑞士人Felix Rohner 和Sabina Scharer 所创造。 2000 年,他们接触了一位打击乐手,并从那位打击乐 …
Hang (instrument) - Wikipedia
All are tuned harmonically (with fundamental, octave and the fifth above the octave) around a low note (Ding) at the center of the tone circle. Each creation is numbered and signed. [11] From 2001 to 2005 the first generation Hang was offered in multiple scales ranging up …
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Ding Drum Long - YouTube
2008年2月25日 · Ding drum, homemade!! 2 min of Ding Drum!!
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The Hang: No it's not an UFO it's one of the most cool percussion ...
The ding of the drum instrument when played produces a sound like steelpans tune like harmonica, harps and bells. The player can change the scale he is playing in by striking the tone fields that lay in cross pattern around the center.
Ding Drum.mp3 by mickel11 - Freesound
2010年2月22日 · Freesound: collaborative database of creative-commons licensed sound for musicians and sound lovers. Have you freed your sound today?
Ding Drum 小品影视铃声下载 高音质试听 MP3下载,DJ在线试听
Ding Drum 小品影视铃声下载在线试听,来自Dj舞曲资源。编号:527038,收录于(手机铃声)提供在线试听及mp3下载。
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