Products - Diodes
Diodes Incorporated is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality application specific standard products.
Diodes Incorporated - Analog and Discrete Power Solutions
2 days ago · Diodes Incorporated is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality application specific standard products.
A good solution for high-current applicationslike EVs is the ideal diode controller, such as Diodes Incorporated’s (Diodes) AP74700AQ. combined with an N-channel MOSFET (nMOS) on the high side (Figure 1). The AP74700AQ will regulate an nMOS as a diode with a V F of 20mV, if possible (explained further in this application note).
1N4148W: switching diode (Small Signal Switching Diodes)
PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject; PCN-2690: 2024-05-29: 2024-08-29: Qualification of Diodes’ subcontractor Eris Technology Corporation (Eris) in Taoyuan, Taiwan as Additional Assembly & Test Site and Diodes internal JKFAB in HsinChu, Taiwan as additional wafer source for Select Discrete Products.
Part Cross Reference - Diodes Incorporated
Welcome to the Diodes Incorporated's Product Cross Reference. Cross Reference information is based upon Diodes' marketing research. Diodes assumes that the information is accurate, but bears no liability due to incorrect or incomplete information or other errors.
Schottky (.5A and Above) - Diodes Incorporated
Our line of >0.5A Schottky diodes offer bridge, dual, dual com. anode, and single configuration options. Alongside this variety, these diodes also benefit from:
Presentations | Investor Relations | Diodes Incorporated
Feb 11, 2025 . DIOD Investor Presentation 3.1 MB. Feb 11, 2025
Technical Articles - Diodes Incorporated
Using a MOSFET as an ideal diode can provide robust and reliable safety protection for the emerging generation of autonomous appliances.
MMBD5004S: switching diode - Diodes Incorporated
Are you seeking a rewarding and dynamic career where you can help create the future? Consider a career at Diodes Incorporated. We design, develop, manufacture, and deliver high-quality semiconductor products to the world's leading companies.
Fast/Ultra-Fast Rectifiers - Diodes Incorporated
Our Fast/Ultra-Fast Rectifiers deliver extremely swift rectification and recovery times, and are typically constructed with Diodes’ Glass Passivation Process (GPP), providing high efficiency to a wide variety of rectification applications.