Diona - Genshin Impact Wiki
Diona is a playable Cryo character in Genshin Impact. Despite being a bartender at the Cat's Tail, she loathes alcohol and will stop at nothing to ruin Mondstadt's wine industry — a feat easier said than done when her patrons absolutely love her drinks. She is the daughter of Draff, a hunter in...
Diona Rating and Best Builds | Genshin Impact|Game8
2025年1月24日 · Diona is a 4-star Cryo Bow character in Genshin Impact. Learn about Diona's stats, strengths and weaknesses, how to get Diona, her Japanese voice actor, best weapon and builds, and our rating of the character in this complete profile!
迪奥娜 - 原神WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
那就是蒙德酒业的超新星,传统势力的最大挑战者,调酒师迪奥娜。 但调出好喝的酒并非她的本意——不如说,恰恰相反。 她调酒的配方,在外人看来,似乎是「有些不可思议」。 但在迪奥娜自己看来,根本就是「我真的在努力破坏那杯讨厌的液体了」。 但不论什么品种的酒,只要经迪奥娜之手调制以后,都会变成难以想象的美味佳酿。 这是一种「受祝福的体质」,而这种体质给迪奥娜造成了很大的困扰。 因为,对自诩「酒业杀手」的迪奥娜来说,以一己之力摧毁整个蒙德的 …
Diona Fona (@dionafona) • Instagram photos and videos
183K Followers, 1,301 Following, 613 Posts - Diona Fona (@dionafona) on Instagram: "New song out - TATTOO 📞 Booking Manager : +38344361364 📩 Email/DM for Collaborations"
Genshin Impact Diona Build - Genshin.gg
Discover the best builds and teams for Diona in Genshin Impact. Also included are their skills, upgrade costs, and more.
Diona Quick Guide - KQM - KeqingMains
Diona is a 4-star Cryo Bow character in Genshin Impact who provides defensive utility and is a great Cryo battery. Learn about Diona’s best builds, Talent priority, best weapons, best artifacts, and best teams in this quick guide.
Diona Guide and Best Builds - Genshin Impact - Icy Veins
2023年11月29日 · Unlock Diona's full potential as a Cryo Bow user in Genshin Impact. Explore the Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, Skills and Talents in our comprehensive Diona build guide.
Diona Team Guide | Best Team | Genshin Impact | GenshinLab
This Page provides the best Diona Team information. Diona will be Support/Shield in most of the situation. You can also swap the position of Diona and Layla to make your own best team.
再见Fiona:你凭什么,可以选择自己的人生? - 豆瓣电影
2019年3月18日 · Fiona是大姐,她有一个一生酗酒、不顾孩子死活的父亲Frank,一个常年缺席、患有精神疾病的母亲Monica,还有四个未成年的弟妹,他们分别都隐藏着可能爆发的家庭基因:酒鬼、同性恋、躁郁症、暴力倾向等等,同时又拥有着最纯粹的特质:聪明、天真、霸气、有 ...
Diona - Genshin Impact - HoYoWiki
HoYoWiki - Genshin Impact - Diona: A young lady who has inherited trace amounts of non-human blood. She is the incredibly popular bartender of the Cat's Tail tavern.