5-MeO-DIPT - Drugs-Forum
2010年8月13日 · 5-MeO-DIPT or Foxy Methoxy is a psychedelic tryptamine which distorts visual and sometimes auditory perception. It also has entactogenic qualities, alongside a significant body load (increased hear rate, tremors, hot/cold flashes) compared to 5-MeO-MIPT.
Experiences DIPT: trip reports - Drugs-Forum
2004年5月21日 · I tried DiPT, and I feel as though I should share a little bit about it. Most trip reports suggest that if one was on this drug and in complete...
Drug information - 4-ho-dipt (iprocin ) Drug Info | Drugs-Forum
2005年5月12日 · Please post info about 4-HO-DIPT here. Can anyone add information about: names / synonyms molecule dose duration side effects have there...
DIPT - Drugs-Forum
2013年8月13日 · DIPT DIPT (diisopropyltryptamine) is a psychedelic hallucinogen and member of the tryptamine family, which has a particularly odd and unique set of effects which are uncommon with most of the other compounds in the same class.
5-MeO-DiPT (Foxy) Trip Reports - Drugs-Forum
2007年4月19日 · Please add your experiences with 5-MeO-DiPT here. Please add dosage, route and duration to the top of your post like this: Originally Posted by...
5-MeO-MIPT - Drugs-Forum
2010年8月15日 · 5-MeO-MiPT is not explicitly scheduled in the USA; however, it is an analogue of 5-MeO-Diisopropyltryptamine (5-MeO-DiPT, or Foxy Methoxy), which is a Schedule I substance. As such, 5-MeO-MiPT is, without a doubt, covered by the Federal Analogue Act and is illegal to own or trade for the purposes of human consumption.
Drug information Dipt Drug Info - Drugs-Forum
2007年11月14日 · Legality: DiPT is included in the ban on tryptamine and phenethylamine "designer drugs" in the UK, and equivalent to a class A drug. DiPT is not a scheduled substance in the USA, however it's close structural similarity to the schedule 1 substance 5-MeO-DiPT may allow it to be treated as illegal under analogue laws.
Store - Drugs-Forum
2025年1月26日 · Location Strain Type Lineage Indica Sativa Hybrid 2C-B 2C-T-2 2C-T-7 5-MEO-DIPT
4-ho-dipt (iprocin ) Drug Info | Page 2 - Drugs-Forum
2007年11月13日 · As far as I know 4-Ho-DiPT is not a common street drug in Los Angeles. As for "Health Risks", there are two reports on Erowid of health problems from 4-Ho-Dipt.
Drug information 5-MeO-DiPT (Foxy) - Drugs-Forum
2003年1月14日 · Please post info about 5-MeO-DIPT here. Can anyone add information about: names / synonyms molecule dose duration side effects have...