About - dalphin
About Dirk Alphin I am an artist in San Francisco, California, who was born and raised in Southern part of the state of Idaho in an area of the Great Basin. This was high desert landscapes turned into an agricultural hub.
Dirk Alphin – Axis - The Marsh
2024年9月13日 · Dirk Alphin (Playwright/Director/SETH) – Acting credits include classical (Shakespeare, Greek theater) and contemporary plays (Brecht, O’Neill, Albee, Lanford Wilson, Robert Patrick, and Arthur Laurents to list a few). He has helped develop numerous new playwrights’ works and acted on Bay Area stages, in film, video and television for ...
Dirk Alphin (Playwright/Director) has lived in San Francisco for over 40 years. He has worked in the theater and in film/video as an actor, director, playwright, producer, and designer. He helped create and manage two landmark performance venues: Valencia Rose Cabaret in the
Theater Review: RECIPROCATING PUMPS (The Marsh San Francisco)
2023年8月16日 · Now playing at The Marsh Theater, San Francisco’s independent theater for new performances, writer and director Dirk Alphin’s original production, Reciprocating Pumps, is a riveting, emotionally intense drama. On an intimate set of a living room and bedroom, this family (both chosen and genetic) drama takes place over the course of a single ...
Dirk Alphin's AXIS to Return to The Marsh SF for Limited Run
2024年6月25日 · Dirk Alphin's vibrant production Axis will return to The Marsh San Francisco for a limited run in July. Learn how to purchase tickets.
Dirk Alphin – Reciprocating Pumps - The Marsh
2024年9月13日 · Edgy, raw, intensely human, and, at moments, frighteningly uncomfortable, but a love story that must be told and a play that must be seen. Dirk Alphin (Playwright/Director) has lived in San Francisco for over forty years. He has worked in the theater and in film/video as an actor, director, playwright, producer, and designer.
Dirk Alphin's Reciprocating Pumps at The Marsh San Francisco …
2023年8月12日 · Complete Information About Dirk Alphin's Reciprocating Pumps in San Francisco at The Marsh San Francisco Studio. Somewhat of a period piece, but more so a modern parable of courage and loyalty,...
The Marsh: Dirk Alphin – Axis - Mission Local
2024年4月7日 · Dirk Alphin’s Axis In Person at The Marsh SF Studio Directed by Dirk Alphin Performers: Erica Clark, Timothy Flanagan, Robert Fraser, Dennis Hasty,
Home | dalphin - dirkade.wixsite.com
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Artist Profile - ArtSpan
Dirk Alphin. Website Social Other Social. Email. Neighborhood: Mission _____ Born and raised in Great Basin Southern Idaho state. I'm a lover of nature, open spaces and small towns, as well as having a strong urban appreciation and outlook. I spent years in performance art, wearing several hats of that trade: actor, director, producer, designer ...