GitHub - bisqwit/dirr: ls replacement, friendlier than ls
List directories and files in *nix system. A colourful alternative for /bin/ls. Not completely compatible with it, though. Given some luck, may compile on DOS too. and is distributed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL). GNU make is required. ls …
GLAG theory for superconducting property variations with …
2017年4月25日 · We present a model for the variation of the upper critical field H c2 with Sn content in A15-type Nb-Sn wires, within the Ginzburg-Landau-Abrikosov-Gor’kov (GLAG) theory frame.
英飞凌IGBT单管数据手册参数解析——下 - 知乎
Cres/CGE 对集电极-发射极的dV/dt和 VGE 之间的耦合效应有很大影响,降低该比率可实现快速开关能力,并避免器件不必要的寄生导通。 栅极电荷 QG. 栅极电荷描述了驱动栅极电压 VGE 到一定值(通常是15V)所需的电荷量。 它是驱动损耗的主要因素,并影响到整个驱动电路的设计。 驱动损耗可以通过以下公式得出。 上图显示了典型的栅极电荷曲线,从曲线中可以得到驱动 VGE 到某一数值所需的 QG 值。 QG 是负载电流和集电极-发射极电压的一个函数。 通常情况下,它是 …
Dirr 3 input lag :: Help and Tips - Steam Community
© Valve Corporation。保留所有权利。所有商标均为其在美国及其它国家/地区的各自持有者所有。 隐私政策 | 法律信息 | Steam 订户 ...
Class: DirR — dir_r
DirR; show all Defined in: lib/dir_r.rb. Overview. Recursive walk through a directory tree There is also Find.find and Dir.glob as alternatives Symbolic links, pointing nowhere, are ignored Symbolic links to directories are ignored We will process the linked to directory, if it is in this tree; But we don't want to break out of this tree, and ...
DIRR (find files recursively filtering name, date or bytes)
2006年11月15日 · DIRR. Lists all files in the current directory and sub directories recursively. [LIST] = DIRR(PATH) Returns a structure LIST with the same fieldnames as returned by LIST = DIR(PATH) PATH can contain wildcards * and ? after the last \ or / (filename filter) The content of each directory in PATH is listed inside its 'isdir'field with the same format.
GLAG - What does GLAG stand for? The Free Dictionary
Looking for online definition of GLAG or what GLAG stands for? GLAG is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
Paul Dirr - Managing Director - DIRR.cc - contact & connect
Spezialgebiete: Vertrieb und Marketing für technisch anspruchsvolle Güter, Key Account Management in den Bereichen Produktion und Automatisierung · Experience: DIRR.cc - contact & connect ·...
- 职位: Sales, Training, Coaching - …
- 位置: DIRR.cc - contact & connect
- 人脉数: 147
Slagr - Dirr | Releases - Discogs
Explore the tracklist, credits, statistics, and more for Dirr by Slagr. Compare versions and buy on Discogs
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