obtain their necessary DISN connection approvals while ensuring DISA effectively tracks and manages DISN connections. There are numerous key DoD policies either recently released or currently under revision that
DISN Connection Process Guide - Cyber
DISA is currently integrating cloud computing services into the DISN provisioning process. For this version of the DCPG, proceed to Appendix C that documents the procedures for authorization, registration, connection, sustainment, and discontinuation of a Cloud Computing connection to …
Provides the customer the “As-Is” for the current network traffic and the “To-Be” with an Enhanced GCDS Extension of their enclave. The Pilot would allow a GCDS Test Drive for 30 days at minimal cost to the customer.
2022年6月15日 · Place publicly accessible systems and outbound proxies in between the firewall layers in one or more demilitarized zone (DMZ) subnets, where access can be appropriately controlled between...
Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) - DoD Cyber …
2025年3月11日 · This site contains the Security Technical Implementation Guides and Security Requirements Guides for the Department of Defense (DOD) information technology systems as mandated by DODI 8500.01. This guidance bridges the gap between the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53 and risk management framework (RMF).
DoD Secure Cloud Computing Architecture (SCCA) - Oracle
Oracle’s Cloud Native SCCA Landing Zone provides a framework for securely running DoD mission workloads and storing Impact Level 2, 4, and 5 data in OCI government regions. The automation provided by the SCCA Landing Zone enables DoD mission owners to establish a compliant security architecture in just a few hours or days, instead of months.
Secure Azure Computing Architecture (SACA) - Azure Government
SCCA describes the functional objectives for securing the Defense Information System Network’s (DISN) and commercial cloud provider connection points. SCCA also describes how mission owners secure cloud applications at the connection boundary.
Section 1 of this guide provides an introduction and overview of the DoD Cloud Computing Environment and associated terms used within the DoD Cloud Community. Section 2 provides guidance to CSPs and their DoD Sponsors for registering and connecting Information Impact Levels 2, 4, and 5 CSP-CSOs to the DISN.
Test and Development Zone B Security Technical ... - STIGQter
2018年10月26日 · Network infrastructure and systems supporting the test and development environment must follow DoD certification and accreditation procedures before connecting to a …
Enterprise Connections - DoD Cyber Exchange
The DISN is the DOD consolidated worldwide enterprise-level telecommunications infrastructure that provides end-to-end information transfer network for supporting military operations. The enterprise-level networks are provided by DISA. For the most part, it …