SIX12 - The Division Wiki
The SIX12 is a Shotgun in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. It was added to the game in Title Update 11. The SIX12 and the Named variant The Mop can be obtained from enemies, vendors, …
A solid SIX12 build. : r/Division2 - Reddit
2022年6月26日 · To start off you’ll need a SIX12 “obviously”, have Max shotgun damage, Max damage to armor, and Max damage to targets out of cover and flatline. You’ll want the …
2020年9月7日 · This is my thoughts on THE MOP, as presently constructed in my opinion the mop is the best shotgun in the game. Gives you that face-tanking strength we all love when it …
The Mop | The Division Wiki - Fandom
The Mop is a High-End Shotgun in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. It is a Named variant of the SIX12, granting +10% Armor on Kill. It was added to the game in Title Update 11. This …
Scorpio - The Division Wiki
Scorpio is an Exotic Shotgun in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. It is an Exotic variant of the SIX12, featuring the Talent Septic Shock. It was added to the game in Title Update 12. This weapon …
What is the best shotgun build for heroic control points ... - Reddit
2022年11月20日 · Essentially the Six12 is the best shotgun imo for endgame content. It has a mix of good dps, damage per mag, and reloads super fast. You can do Hunter's Fury and go …
What are some viable shotgun builds? : r/thedivision - Reddit
2022年8月12日 · 870 + Pummel is a good option if you can kill enough enemies to not need to reload: https://streamable.com/z0vesa. Six12 is a good flexible shotgun to keep firing. The …
SIX12 SD 霰弹枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
Six12的设计初衷是提供一种类似于雷明顿870的“万能钥匙”(Master key)或XM26这样的下挂式霰弹枪,但又能独立使用。 而作为突击步枪的下挂武器,重量和尺寸都不能太大,但像870“万 …
SIX12在6款游戏中的对比 - 哔哩哔哩
独特的转轮弹膛霰弹枪,咸鱼翻身的"港喷"终成彩六最强连喷?-Six12 介绍与评测【彩虹六号:围攻】
很多人只看到了天蝎的超模,却没注意到活在天蝎阴影下的原型SIX12,实际完全不输天蝎,更别说某变换颜色的武器。 至于叠突袭?这种事请交给ACS12和屹立不摇.45 Vector 一个一弹匣 …