How to develop front end (UI) for my Django website
The Django mentions the it will separate the logical (views) and design (templates) parts so that different departments in a company can handle separately. But Considering the fact that the Django's HTML pages are filled with "tags" which are no way related to HTML (designing), how UI people handle it?
Is it good practice to use the Django template system and/or its …
2021年4月23日 · With this in mind, while I read the Django tutorial, I was convinced that using templates and the admin site was not a good idea because there would be no modularity, as everything would be inside the Django project, and the UI would also be dependent on Django templates, which seems to be limited by design.
Developing an app using Django. Do I design front-end after app?
Therefor, the UI is the most important piece and needs to drive the functionality. For #2, invert the statements in #1. Your UI will prob just be a reflection of what cool new thing you can do in the backend, so start on the backend first. For #3, it doesn't really matter, although my personal preference is to work on the UI first.
web development - Software Engineering Stack Exchange
From there on, you build on any web service you like to have on your server. As far the UI is concerned, you will work with HTML. Javascripts, flash, AJAX are supplementary for achieving an interactive and responsive API. You can visit Django Tutorial to start and see how things work on the web using Python and HTML.
Why do backend web frameworks use "MVC" when they have no …
2021年6月24日 · Even though the Web has a stateless UI, it is still desirable to separate business logic (the "Model"), presentation logic (the "View"), and use case coordination logic (the "Controller"). Since the Web has a stateless user interface, events are replaced with HTTP requests — an artifact of building an application with a stateless user interface.
mvc - Model-view-controller architecture, desktop application and ...
2019年11月6日 · In an MVC the Model is not a database. MVC is a pattern to split the concerns and responsibility of the UI, and you can have a UI CRUD build with the MVC pattern without a database. The data could be stored in memory or some backend using REST API calls.
How is/can front- and backend be separated in Django?
2017年11月27日 · Frameworks like Django (Python) or Symfony (PHP) are designed to handle both frontend and backend in one application. This means that a request comes in, the backend tasks are executed and a template is used to generated the corresponding HTML response.
rest - RESTful API. Should I be returning the object that was …
2016年3月28日 · Bottom line is I would definitely try to send back the data that makes sense for the consumer / UI to process immediately and be done with an atomic API action rather than have to go and fetch 2-5 more API just to update the UI post the creation / update of the data. Server to server APIs might think differently about this.
Is it normal design to completely decouple backend and frontend …
2016年12月4日 · database business logic services (dll) api exposing business logic server side website exposing viewmodels and functionality via json rest endpoints client side javascript implementing ui Now if you only have the one web application you can cut out the 'api exposing business logic' layer and just have the server side web code call the business ...
Why are there so many frameworks for web development?
2019年4月20日 · Most modern, sophisticated web apps do not do this. Servers rarely store plain static HTML pages any more; content tends to be generated on-the-fly. If that content is to be generated on the server, then you'd either use a Content Management System like WordPress, or write a web service using a framework like Django or Flask.