PDP8 emulator running in console. Based on Douglas W. Jones ... - GitHub
It has now been updated and converted from K&R style real UNIX targeted code into a more modern C99 compatible POSIX codebase with a few bugs and "syntax errors" fixed. It …
pdp8emu/rtc-dk8e.c at master · mengstr/pdp8emu - GitHub
Date: July 26, 1995 Updates: Mats Engstrom, April 2020 Language: C (UNIX) Purpose: DEC DK8/EA or /EC real time clock emulator, Based on the description in the PDP-8/E Small …
DK8EE - Callsign Lookup by QRZ Ham Radio - QRZ.com
Dec 4, 2024 · World's leading amateur radio web site with news, technical articles, discussions, practice exams and more.
Spacewar PDP8/M VC8E DK8E without EAE - YouTube
This is a little project to get a version of Spacewar running on my PDP8/M without the need of a EAE extension. This version was made for the LAB8 computer w...
Toshiba Strata DK8e,DK14,DK16e,DK40,DK40i,DK280 and DK424 TO SET DATE: (Settings must take place from port 00, which is usually extension 200) 1. Leave the handset on-hook. …
Highgate's PDP-8 Page - Simon Fraser University
Highgate now has a new 60 GB hard drive! Total disk space is now about 67 GB. If you notice any anomalies, drop Kevin a line at [email protected]. This web page contains a number of …
Originally the system was equipped with 12KW of core. This is the minimum necessary to run OS/8 with a TD8E DECtape controller. I designed and built a 32KW semiconductor memory …
Digital_DK8E_M882R_Mains_RTC - GitHub
Digital_DK8E_M882R_Mains_RTC \n. This is a 74xx clone of the Digital DK8E M882R Mains Real Time Clock for the DEC PDP8/E family computers. It's called the DK8E M882R. \n. There …
PDP-8 Document Information
id: 1014; docname: maindec-08-dhdka-a-d; doctype: Manual; title: DK8E Clocks Diagnostic; date: November 1975; size: 4968298; filename: pdp8docs/maindec-08-dhdka-a-d.tif
艾威三款2路Opteron工作站级主板即将面世 - pc6下载站
据报道,艾威今年将推出三款2路工作站级主板,分别为DK8N, DK8E和DK8E2,均基于nForce3 Pro 250芯片组。 如果新产品能够成功打入市场并被接受,那么NVIDIA这个以显卡芯片驰名的 …