Delta Kappa Epsilon - Wikipedia
Delta Kappa Epsilon (ΔΚΕ), commonly known as DKE or Deke, is one of the oldest fraternities in the United States, with fifty-six active chapters and five active colonies across North America. It was founded at Yale College in 1844 by fifteen sophomores who were discontented with the existing fraternity order on campus.
Home - Delta Kappa Epsilon
Founded in 1844 at Yale University, Delta Kappa Epsilon is one of the oldest and most prominent fraternities in the U.S. “Deke” is known for producing outstanding gentleman, leaders, and jolly good fellows.
The Delta Kappa Epsilon Club of New York
Membership in The Delta Kappa Epsilon Club of New York means catching up with old brothers and meeting new ones. It’s your chapter house right in the middle of Manhattan. Whether for business or pleasure, alone or with family and friends, enjoy the understated elegance and old-world charm, the high-tech conveniences and attentive, personal ...
The Long Decline of DKE, Brett Kavanaugh’s Fraternity at Yale
2018年9月25日 · DKE, usually pronounced as a single syllable, rhyming with “reek,” was founded at Yale in 1844. It is one of the oldest fraternities in the nation, with chapters on more than fifty college ...
DKE Fraternity - Yale Club of New York
The DKE Club of New York was founded on May 9, 1885 and after growing through more than half a dozen clubhouses on its own, has been in residence at 50 Vanderbilt Avenue since 1932. It enjoys a distinctive relationship which offers full membership into The Yale Club and all the benefits of the largest clubhouse in the world.
DKE fraternity publicly returns four years after ... - Yale Daily News
2022年4月21日 · The group lost their lease and for years their name disappeared from campus life — although the DKE national website has never classified the Yale chapter as an inactive one. Now, under the leadership of president Ryan McCann ’24, DKE is returning to the public eye.
Organization History - Delta Kappa Epsilon - Speed Test
On June 22, 1844 at Yale College in New Haven, Connecticut, a number of men of high character and scholastic attainment founded the first chapter Delta Kappa Epsilon. The open motto being “Kerothen Philoi Aei,” which in English means “Friends from the Heart, Forever.”
About the club - The Delta Kappa Epsilon Club of New York
Enjoy all the benefits of your DKE Club membership - from guest rooms and concierge services to fine dining and special events - at elite clubs throughout the world. The Yale Club's network of carefully-selected reciprocal clubs includes popular destinations in …
Delta Kappa Epsilon (@yaledke) • Instagram photos and videos
DKE Tang: A Yale Tradition. 2023. This year, we brought back the old tradition of team races to Tang. Multiple teams competed all day through rain and shine in the hopes to be crowned winners of the TANG Cup.
History — Theta Zeta Chapter - Delta Kappa Epsilon
On June 22, 1844, in Room 12 of Old South Hall at Yale College in New Haven, Connecticut, these fifteen men founded Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE). At their inaugural meeting, they established the fraternity’s secret and open Greek mottos, the latter being “Kerothen Philoi Aei” or “Friends from the Heart, Forever.”