Divine Knockout (DKO) - Official PlayStation™Store US
KO the gods in the world’s only 3rd-person platform fighter! Become a small-but-mighty god of myth, brawl in all three dimensions, and knock your friends off the map to reign supreme. Damage enemies to make them vulnerable, then knock them out of the arena with a mighty blow!
Divine Knockout (DKO) - PS4 & PS5 Games | PlayStation (US)
Divine Knockout (DKO) is a platform fighter that pits pint-sized versions of mythological powerhouses against each other in hazard-filled arenas. Send your opponents flying off the map to prove that you are the legend to end all legends.
Divine Knockout (DKO) - Starter Edition - Official …
This one-time deal gives you Runes at a discount, plus access to DKO if you do not already have it. With the Starter Edition, you’ll unlock - Both the digital PS4™ version and the digital PS5™ version of DKO - The full game all maps and modes - 4 Gods Amaterasu, Sol, Hercules, and King Arthur - 1,200 Runes Divine Knockout will be released ...
General FAQ | Hi Rez Studios Help Center
DKO, or Divine Knockout, is an all-new 3rd person platform fighter. Choose from an expanding roster of Gods and Goddesses from mythological pantheons across the globe. Battle enemy Gods in 3v3, 2v2, and 1v1 modes. Which platforms is DKO available on? DKO is available on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.
PSNProfiles • PSN Trophy Tracking, Stats, Guides & Leaderboards
PSNProfiles • PSN Trophy Tracking, Stats, Guides & Leaderboards
【4K60帧】PS5会免 Divine Knockout | DKO | 群友联机视频好爽!
PS5会免 Divine Knockout(DKO) 首发入库! 和群友第一时间组队冲了进去,画面炫酷,爽的上天! 感谢以下群友参与录制:凌晨煮饭、丹尼哥、奶油狗(游戏可以三人组队对战) 高级玩家交流群
Where is cross progression/cross play?? :: Divine Knockout (DKO ...
2022年12月10日 · "Cross-Platform Divine Knockout supports full cross-play and cross-progression across Steam, Epic Games Store, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. Play with (and against) your friends no matter where they play, and take your unlocks with you if you decide to switch platforms." - microsoft.com. Okay then, where is it??
DKO: Divine Knockout Trophies & Stats | PocketPSN.com
2025年2月22日 · DKO: Divine Knockout Trophy List | 20 Trophies . Lost Records: Bloom & Rage 696 recent trophies
《Divine Knockout》(DKO) - Official PlayStation™Store US
在市面上绝无仅有的这款第三人称平台跳跃格斗游戏中将神明淘汰出局! 扮演Q版的神话中的神明,以3D视角与好友一起乱斗,将对手打出地图,成为战场上的王者。 对敌人造成伤害以使其动摇,然后发动强力一击将其打出竞技场! 本游戏灵感源于2D平台跳跃格斗游戏,不过让玩家能以独特的第三人称视角战个痛快。 每个竞技场都有新机制,玩家必须精通这些机制才能获得胜利。 有些竞技场会逐渐崩塌,还有些竞技场中有致命的陷阱。 扮演海格力斯投掷巨石,扮演亚瑟王 …
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These are the stats for the top 100 most played games last 30 days on PSN. Want to join the party? Or do you think your favorite game doesn't have enough hours listed here?