The Beauty of DLF Genetics Stands Out at Black Desert This week, the PGA Tour makes its long-awaited return to Utah for the Black Desert Championship, a new addition to the Tour’s FedEx Cup Fall series...
Professional Turf - Pickseed
DLF offers a wide variety of turfgrasses that have been developed to perform in a wide range of climates and soils. We offer cool and warm season grasses, along with a microclover designed especially for turf.
Tall Fescue - dlfpickseed.com
Tall fescue is one of the most drought, heat, and wear tolerant species. Due to its large and deep root system, it is able to take up water in dry periods when other grasses have stopped their growth. It stays green in dry summer periods and tolerates high temperatures.
DLF Turfgrass
DLF offers a wide range of turfgrasses that have been developed to perform in a wide range of climates and soils. We offer cool and warm season grasses, along with a microclover designed especially for turf. We have recommended certain varieties for specific regions and usages in our technical information areas and on the individual product pages.
Western Canada - Pickseed
DLF Pickseed Canada operates the most extensive private forage testing program in Canada! Learn more here!
Est du Canada - dlfpickseed.ca
DLF Pickseed Canada exploite le programme d’essai en plantes fourragères le plus complet du Canada! Informez-vous ici!
About Us - Pickseed
DLF was founded in 1906 and is the global market leader in the research, development, production and distribution of turfgrass and forage crop seed. DLF is owned by 3,000 Danish seed growers and has subsidiaries or sales offices in 20 countries around the world.
丹农北美业务和品牌统一使用 “DLF”
2022年10月6日,丹农北美公司(原英文名“DLF Pickseed”)宣布将其品牌和业务统一在“DLF”名称之下。 DLF是全球牧草和草坪种子市场的领导者,历史超过100年。
Reclamation and Native Seed Products - test.dlfpickseed.com
With over 60 years experience, DLF is a national leader in the distribution of native seeds for reclamation projects. Our experts recommend the best species and varieties available for projects from the grasslands of the prairies, to the shores of the Pacific Ocean, to …
DLF North America
North America. Choose your region: USA ; Western Canada; Eastern Canada; Est Du Canada