MC38-DLL3-Cell-Line - Kyinno Bio
Proven mouse MC38 cell line (KC-2390) for stable MC38 clone expressing exogenous human DLL3. Contact support!
B-hDLL3 MC38 - Biocytogen
DLL3 expression analysis in B-hDLL3 MC38 cells by flow cytometry. Single cell suspensions from wild-type MC38 and B-hDLL3 MC38 cultures were stained with anti-human DLL3 antibody …
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MC38-hDLL3 - 南模生物
DLL3基因人源化的MC38小鼠结肠癌细胞系*使用本品系发表的文献需注明: MC38-hDLL3 cell line (Cat. NO. NMC-230086) was purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc..
Magic™ Human DLL3 MC-38 Cell Line - Creative Biolabs
It stably expresses Human DLL3 to provide cell models for research and screening applications. Regular antibiotics active against mycoplasmas, bacteria and fungi. Frozen cells should be …
- 评论数: 1
B-hDLL3 MC38|百奥赛图官网 - bbctg.com.cn
B-hDLL3 MC38 cells (1x10 6) and wild-type MC38 cells (5x10 5) were subcutaneously implanted into B-hCD3E mice (female, 7-week-old, n=6). Tumor volume and body weight were measured …
MC38-hDLL3 - 南模生物
Detect of the hDLL3 expression of MC38-hDLL3 cell lines in vivo on hCD3EDG/hDLL3 C57BL/6 mice (Tumors were collected and analysed on Day17). Cre-ERT2在无Tamoxifen诱导的情况 …
B-hDLL3 MC38 - Biocytogen
Antitumor activity of bispecific antibody (BsAb) X in B-hCD3E mice. B-hDLL3 MC38 cells were subcutaneously implanted into B-hCD3E mice (female, 8 week-old, n=6). Mice were grouped …
DLL3:肺癌“网红”靶点,或成精准治疗新希望 - 知乎
前文提到,DLL3是一种抑制性Notch配体,大量研究发现,配体DLL3通过和Notch受体结合,抑制Notch信号,影响相邻细胞之间的通讯,进而调控细胞发育,其具体机制尚不明确。 除了 …
MC38 目录号:SCSP-5431 细胞名称: 小鼠结肠癌细胞MC38, 又名MC-38、MCA-38、Mouse Colon 38等细胞描述:MC38 细胞由Tan 等使用1,2- 二甲基肼诱导C57BL/6小鼠产生结肠腺癌后,取 组 …
MC38(小鼠结肠癌细胞) - biocode.cn
MC38细胞是由M.H.Tan等使用1, 2-二甲基肼诱导C57BL/6产生结肠腺癌后,取组织再经去除成纤维细胞后获得的结肠腺癌上皮细胞系。 建系者同时还采用同样诱导方法建立了BALB/c的结肠腺 …