Difference between malloc and dlmalloc - Stack Overflow
2013年7月6日 · As for detailed differences between dlmalloc and malloc: dlmalloc is a specific implementation of the traditional libc malloc API, whereas "malloc" per se isn't specific to a particular implementation. But even if you got specific, I doubt I could suggest anything more than "read the code" anyway.
At a higher level description, how is DLMALLOC supposed work?
There doesn't seem to be that many good descriptions that go into the specifics about how dlmalloc works. The sources I have come across so far mention dlmalloc, but then only goes on to explain what malloc() and free() are, rather than describing dlmalloc. The Wikipedia description, on the other hand, was a bit hard for me to understand.
unix - How does dlmalloc coalesce chunks? - Stack Overflow
2017年6月4日 · A dlmalloc chunk is bookended by some metadata, which includes information about the amount of space in the chunk. Two contiguous free chunks might look like [metadata | X bytes free space | metadata ][metadata | X bytes free space | metadata] Block A Block B
c - System malloc vs DLMalloc on large malloc - Stack Overflow
2013年7月26日 · edit2: So I played with it some more. Turns out if I break down allocation into 1GB chunks, that is 8 separate mallocs, then it works with dlmalloc. So it seems to be an issue with contiguous range allocation where dlmalloc probably tries to allocate only if there is a contiguous block. This makes my question then even harder to formulate.
c++ - What are the Windows and Linux native OS/system calls …
2013年8月3日 · dlmalloc (Doug Lea's malloc) ptmalloc. On Linux libc like glibc, eglibc or newlib implement ptmalloc or a variant of ptmalloc. what are the OS-specific functions which are called/implementations of malloc()? On Unix and Linux systems sbrk and mmap system calls are used. See man 2 sbrk and man 2 mmap for more information.
why dlmalloc allocated chunk header contains 4 bytes of previous ...
2016年9月11日 · Yes chunks do overlap. Once upon a time memory was very expensive. This is a feature in dlmalloc, ptmalloc, and glibc malloc. There is a pretty decent explanation in the code: This struct declaration is misleading (but accurate and necessary). It declares a "view" into memory allowing access to necessary fields at known offsets from a given base.
c - Segmentation fault using dlmalloc - Stack Overflow
2012年7月3日 · I am using Doug Lea's dlmalloc memory allocator. However I get segmentation when I use that. If I use the normal malloc my program runs fine. I remember I once read that you need to first call some
What are the differences between (and reasons to choose) …
2020年3月3日 · Summary from this doc. Tcmalloc. tcmalloc is a memory management library open sourced by Google as an alternative to glibc malloc.
c++ - Which is G++ 4.4.1 default allocator? - Stack Overflow
2010年5月3日 · * dlmalloc (Doug Lea’s malloc, been around forever) * ptmalloc2 (Doug Lea’s malloc, extended to support per-thread arenas.) * TCMalloc (Google’s malloc, claims to be 6x faster than ptmalloc2) * nedmalloc (claims to be faster than tcmalloc) * Hoard, also claims to be very fast (source: Josh Haberman's blog)
c - bin_at in dlmalloc - Stack Overflow
2010年4月29日 · In glibc malloc.c or dlmalloc It said "repositioning tricks"As in blew, and use this trick in bin_at. bins ...