An efficient and accurate new method for locating the F3 position …
In the treatment of depression (and some types of pain), the desired placement of the TMS coil is often above the left dorsalateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) which corresponds to the F3 location given by the 10–20 system.
Biological Psychiatry: 利用脑成像改善经颅磁刺激治疗抑郁症的空 …
脑电图电极位置与解剖磁共振成像(MRI)的配准表明,电极位置在F3前外侧1cm、F3和F5之间或AF3和F3之间时,可以可靠地靶向DLPFC(图2)。此后,开发了仅基于少量头皮测量来估计F3电极位置的软件(Beam F3)。
Biological Psychiatry:个体化和基于神经环路的经颅磁刺激_f4电极5厘米对应dlpfc …
2024年10月8日 · 传统的抑郁症脑刺激疗法通常采用已知的基于头皮的启发式方法来 确定左侧背外侧前额叶皮层 (DLPFC)的单一通用TMS靶点。 其中一种方法将DLPFC的TMS靶点定位在运动皮层前方5至6厘米处,但研究发现这种方法经常完全错过DLPFC,从而导致了Beam F3启发式方法的开发, 该方法估计额叶F3电极的大致位置。 虽然这些方法成本低廉且可以快速实施,但它们导致个体间靶向皮质部位存在显著差异 (图1A)。 这些方法没有考虑神经解剖和脑网络结构的个体差异, 可能 …
Finding F3: A comparative analysis of scalp-based ... - ScienceDirect
2025年1月1日 · The electrode position F3 (EEG F3) has been shown to be an adequate scalp heuristic for targeting the left DLPFC, and the Beam F3 method has become the standard approach to approximate EEG F3. However, the accuracy of the Beam F3 method has recently been questioned, and the scalp geometry-based parameter (SGP) …
In the treatment of depression (and some types of pain), the desired placement of the TMS coil is often above the left dorsalateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), which corresponds to the F3 location given by the International 10-20 system.
Are we really targeting and stimulating DLPFC by placing …
In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of two commonly used DLPFC montages (F4/F3: symmetric, F4/Fp1: asymmetric) for tES in inducing electric fields (EF) by analyzing their target selectivity.
Analysis of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex MNI Coordinates
2023年8月3日 · The most common methods currently used to localise the DLPFC are neuroimaging and neuronavigation techniques, the “5 cm” method [7, 8], the intl. 10–20 system and the “Beam F3 method” proposed by .
Evaluation of the Beam-F3 method for locating the F3 position …
2022年7月1日 · The 10–20 international system of electrode placement has been increasingly applied to locate the DLPFC, allowing the placement of a stimulation device above the F3 position. The Beam-F3 method [ 3 ] is commonly used …
2024年9月28日 · dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) offers a promising approach for treating depression. Scalp-based targeting methods, including EEG Cap, Beam F3, CPC F3, and adjusted Beam F3, have evolved to improve clinical application. Obejectives: To evaluate and compare the accuracy, reliability, speed, and training efficacy of these four methods.
Are we really targeting and stimulating DLPFC by placing
2023年9月26日 · Two common DLPFC montages were simulated; symmetric-F4/F3, and asymmetric-F4/Fp1. Averaged EF was extracted from (1) the center of the target electrode (F4), and (2) the top 1% of voxels showing the strongest EF in individualized EF maps. Interindividual variabilities were quantified with the standard deviation of EF peak location/value.