Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5 Review: Digital Photography Review
2005年4月8日 · Aside from the boost from 3 to 5 million pixels (bringing it in line with the high-end DMC-FZ20), the FZ5 has a range of relatively minor changes over the FZ3, including longer battery life, a repositioned shutter release and improved grip design, larger LCD screen, orientation sensor and a new fast focus mode, which Panasonic claims gives a 30 ...
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5 - Wikipedia
The Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5 is a superzoom bridge digital camera. It has Universal Serial Bus connectivity and has a mass of 326 grams (11.5 oz). It is featured with a black or silver model and was released by Panasonic in February 2005.
松下DMC-FZ5网友点评 - xitek.com
DMC-FZ5拥有500万有效像素,12倍光学变焦镜头,1.8英寸液晶显示屏。 ...(详细内容) 一个性价比比较高的相机,不过现在更多是二手的了,当时想花个几百块买个徕卡味道比较足的松下的LC-1,但是二手市场上没有,于是花了800人民币09年初买了个二手FZ5,品相非常好,配件也全,就是液晶屏里有点灰。 色彩挺不错,成像质量也好,体积比较小,非常适合初学者还有普通家庭使用,相机总体来说更适合女性,因为体积比较小。 到现在用它也用了几个月,这是我第一 …
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5S 5MP Digital Camera with 12x Image …
Panasonic is pleased to introduce the 5.0-megapixel Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5 with a Mega O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilizer) that compensates the handshake, plus a newly developed 12x optical zoom lens (equivalent to 36mm to 432mm in a 35mm film camera).
松下DMC-FZ5 - 百度百科
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5: Digital Photography Review
2005年2月8日 · Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5 review. When you use DPReview links to buy products, the site may earn a commission. Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. Get answers to …
- 评论数: 97
松下DMC-FZ5规格参数 - xitek.com
DMC-FZ5拥有500万有效像素,12倍光学变焦镜头,1.8英寸液晶显示屏。 ...(详细内容) 权威的摄影器材评测与点评,全面深入的器材资讯。 汇聚摄影爱好者的宝贵摄影经验、技巧和影像处理方法。 各色各样的数码相机,单反相机,相机镜头资料尽在其中。
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5 Digital Camera Review - Reviewed
At a retail price of $499.99, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5 seems to be hanging in the same price bracket with a lot of other extremely similar cameras (as you probably saw in the previous section). This model has the longest zoom lens and most megapixels in this type of package – and comes with the attractive image stabilization system.
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5 - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera …
2005年5月9日 · 5.0-megapixel CCD delivering up to 2,560 x 1,920-pixel resolution images. Electronic optical viewfinder. 1.8-inch, color LCD monitor. 12x Leica zoom lens, 6-72mm …
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5 - Down the Road - blog.jimgrey.net
2023年3月20日 · Its 5-megapixel, 1/2.5″ CCD sensor yielded images at 2560×1920 pixels. It packed a 6-72mm (36-432mm equivalent) f/2.8-3.3 Leica DC Vario-Elmarit lens that offers “Mega OIS” image stabilization.