Disaster Management & Mitigation Unit – Office Of The Vice …
DMMU is represented in ten (10) provincial headquarters and headed by the provincial Coordinators. DMMU is also represented at District level through the District Disaster Management Officers. THE DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT: The Disaster Management Act No. 13 of 2010 was assented to on 13 th April, 2010. The Act has:
Disaster Management & Mitigation Unit - DMMU - Facebook
Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) is an emergency wing of Government, mandated to prevent, mitigate, manage and respond to disaster events in the country. It draws it powers from the Disaster Management Act No. 13 of 2010.
Zambia Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU)
The Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) is vested in the Office of the Vice President and was created in 1994. The following are the objectives of DMMU: To put in place appropriate preparedness measures in order to manage disasters effectively and efficiently.
Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit
The Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) is a statutory Government Department under the Office of the Vice President. The Institution draws its authority, functions and powers from the Disaster Management Act No. 13 of 2010.
Government of Zambia - Office of the Vice President - Disaster
2020年1月24日 · The overall implementation and coordination of all disaster management activities and programmes in the country is done through the DMMU. The Unit exercises its mandate through the National Disaster Management Council of Ministers, Disaster Management Technical Committee of Permanent Secretaries and appropriate broad-based committees at ...
Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit - PreventionWeb
DMMU is a special unit under the Office of the Vice-President whose vision is to provide a "safety net" for protection of the citizenry and their assets and the environment against disasters through a pro-active, community-based, developmental and multi-sectoral approach that combines disaster preparedness, prevention and mitigation and ...
Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit - Lusaka, Zambia
2021年4月5日 · The overall implementation and coordination of all disaster management activities and programmes in the country is done through the DMMU. The Unit exercises its mandate through the National Disaster Management Council of Ministers, Disaster Management Technical Committee of Permanent Secretaries and appropriate broad-based committees at ...
Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU)- Zambia
Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) is an emergency wing of Government, mandated to prevent, mitigate, manage and respond to disaster events in the country. It draws it powers from the...
Disaster Management And Mitigation Unit - Search Zambia
The overall implementation and coordination of all disaster management activities and programmes in the country is done through the DMMU. The Unit exercises its mandate through the National Disaster Management Council of Ministers, Disaster Management Technical Committee of Permanent Secretaries and appropriate broad-based committees at ...
Offices, expansion of the DMMU staff establishment, enhanced coordination at National, Provincial and Local levels including the private sector and civil society and establishment of a National Platform for sharing multi-sectoral Disaster Risk Reduction issues. Others include the …