“(i) The employer at every mine must keep a service record in the prescribed form, of employees at the mine who perform work in respect of which medical surveillance is conducted in terms of section 13.
4. Insert clause 11.9 which shall read as follows: (9) RECORD OF HAZARDOUS WORK (a) An up to date copy of the employee's Record of Hazardous Work recorded in prescribed form DMR 276 must be delivered to the Medical Inspector and also attached to the Exit Certificate as contemplated in terms of Section 14 of the Act. mineral resources
Resource Centre | Department of Mineral Resources - DMRE
These are reports and document on various investigations, inquiries, audits and studies conducted by or for the Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate. The Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate maintains information to ensure that all relevant information resources are made available to the South African mining industry as well as other clients.
DMRE > Samrad Online System
SAMRAD ONLINE is the South African Mineral Resources Administration System where the general public can view the locality of applications, rights and permits made or held in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act 28 of 2002), (The MPRDA), and where applications in terms thereof can be submitted electronically.
ROE-276 母子恋爱关系 Yuka Mizuno – 水野由香 | njavtv.com
ROE-276 [未经审查] 母子恋爱关系 Yuka Mizuno 剧情简介她的丈夫只会骂她,让她伤心欲绝,她每次都能得到一个儿子来安慰她,这让她动摇了继子。
DMRE - Department of Mineral Resources & Energy
The Office of the Controller of Petroleum Products hereby informs all licensees that interest will be charged on all outstanding annual license fees. The interest charges will be effected from 01st April 2024. READ MORE APPLICATIONS PROCESSED MID YEAR: (END SEPTEMBER) 2024/2025 Received Applications Applications Rejected Finalised Applications in the past six months READ MORE
ROE-276 10年来,我对妈妈倾诉心声,连续16次中出。 水野由香
ROE-276 10年来,我对妈妈倾诉心声,连续16次中出。 水野由香 - 水野优香
The Medical Inspector; Occupational Health Chief Directorate, DMR, Trevenna Campus, private Bag X59,
Dmr 276 form: Fill out & sign online | DocHub
The document DMR 276 is an Employee's Record of Hazardous Work used in mining operations to track employees' exposure to various workplace hazards, including airborne pollutants, noise, and radiation. It includes personal details of the employee, their employment dates, and a record of shifts exposed to hazards.
Phillmax - SAMRASS Forms
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