dnaQ - Wikipedia
dnaQ is the gene encoding the ε subunit of DNA polymerase III in Escherichia coli. [1] The ε subunit is one of three core proteins in the DNA polymerase complex. It functions as a 3’→5’ DNA directed proofreading exonuclease that removes incorrectly incorporated bases during replication.
DnaQ mediates directional spacer acquisition in the CRISPR-Cas …
2023年9月11日 · Our biochemical data showed that DnaQ trimmed PAM-containing and PAM-deficient overhangs with different efficiencies. Based on these results, we proposed a time-dependent model for DnaQ-mediated spacer acquisition to elucidate PAM removal and spacer orientation determination in Cas4-lacking CRISPR-Cas systems.
2023年9月1日 · 证实dnaq可在体外切除外源dna的pam序列。 此外,体外整合实验表明,DnaQ可帮助含有PAM序列的DNA以正确的方向插入CRISPR阵列。 DnaQ依赖于PAM序列的酶切与Spacer整合机制
The 3′–5′ exonucleases | Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
2002年5月1日 · In this review, we first discuss the proofreading functions of 3′–5′ exonucleases, and then describe the more recently discovered enzymes with 3′–5′ exonuclease activity, the functional roles of...
DnaQ exonuclease‐like domain of Cas2 promotes spacer …
Here, we demonstrate that St4 Cas1 and Cas2‐DnaQ form a multimeric complex, which is capable of integrating DNA duplexes with 3′‐overhangs (protospacers) in vitro. We further show that the DnaQ domain of Cas2 functions as a 3′–5′‐exonuclease that processes 3′‐overhangs of the protospacer to promote integration.
DnaQ在CRISPR‒Cas系统中的作用 - 生物通
2023年9月12日 · 文章解析了嗜热链球菌CRISPR-Cas 系统的DnaQ、DnaQ-TMP复合物的晶体结构(分辨率为1.50 Å 和1.45 Å,图3),这是首个与CRISPR-Cas 系统相关的DnaQ高分率结构。 根据该结构,研究提出了DnaQ的催化机制。
The C-Terminal Domain of DnaQ Contains the Polymerase Binding …
The Escherichia coli dnaQ gene encodes the 3′→5′ exonucleolytic proofreading (ɛ) subunit of DNA polymerase III (Pol III). Genetic analysis of dnaQ mutants has suggested that ɛ might consist of two domains, an N-terminal domain containing the ...
一种大肠杆菌dnaQ基因校正功能丧失的基因增变菌株及制备方法 …
2019年4月3日 · dna聚合酶ⅲ是大肠杆菌染色体dna复制的主要酶,它由α、β、γ、δ、ε等亚基组成,其中α亚基具有5'→3'的dna聚合酶活性,ε亚基具有3'外切酶活性,负责dna复制过程中的校对功能,可提高聚合酶ⅲ复制dna的保真性。 dna聚合酶iii的ε亚基由dnaq基因编码。 现有技术还没有将dnaq基因突变的菌株用作增变菌株进行生物诱变。 技术实现要素: 为了克服现有技术中存在的不足,本发明提供一种基因增变菌株,通过大肠杆菌dnaq基因被敲除、插入失活或因突变而丧 …
dnaq - 百度百科
知识无疆,沟通无界——DNAQ是成熟的网络虚拟社区,只需一次注册便享有DNAQ社区提供的全部免费的博客、论坛和交友圈等众多web2.0服务。 DNAQ邀请 生命科学 领域的专家推出专家博客,为广大社区的使用者提供全方位的交流;生命源论坛为用户提供互相学习、研习讨论的平台;交友圈让用户在广交志同道合生物盟友的同时体会“经营”的乐趣。 立足科技,引领潮流——DNAQ立足 现代生命科学,引领网民不断拓展对生物技术应用领域的认识,以人为本地向广大网民提 …
Mutants in the Exo I motif of Escherichia coli dnaQ: defective ...
1996年4月2日 · The Escherichia coli dnaQ gene encodes the proofreading 3' exonuclease (epsilon subunit) of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme and is a critical determinant of chromosomal replication fidelity. We constructed by site-specific mutagenesis a mutant, dnaQ926, by changing two conserved amino acid residues (A …