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DNS Hosting Service - Fast, Reliable, and Reseller-Friendly - Enom …
Top-notch DNS hosting is key to ensuring that a website opens quickly, is accessible 24/7, and remains secure. Our DNS hosting. Manage A, CName, MX and TXT/SPF records, at no extra cost. Make updates with just a few clicks. Leverage our API to empower your customers with full management controls.
domain name, web site hosting, email, registration - DNS DEMO - Enom
Take our ultra fast dynamic DNS for a spin!!! This page is designed to showcase our Dynamic DNS, powered by our revolutionary technology. This technology allows the user to make DNS …
DND常用缩写 - 百度贴吧
DF:Divine Favor,神恩,一级神术,因可被高级牧师恒定至+5命中+5伤害而闻名。 CR:Challenge Rating,挑战难度。 DC:Difficulty Class,难度等级。 开锁,拆陷阱,施法等等都与DC相关。 DM:Dungeon Master,地下城主,总BOSS,俗话说,DM叫你三更死,谁敢留你到五更… DR:Damage Reduction,伤害减免。 用於物理伤害(不分类型)减免, 表达形式是 xx/-, 或者xx/武器材质,或者xx/+x。 Damage Resist,伤害抗力。 用於特定物理伤害(比如穿 …
Managing DNS host records - Enom Customer Support
Domain Name System (DNS) host records allow you to connect a domain to a web host or service such as Hosted email. When updating host records, be aware of the current nameservers. The nameservers used by a domain dictate where the host records are active and managed.
halfling luck - Search - D&D Beyond
When a halfling is in mortal danger, an unseen force seems to intervene on the halfling’s behalf. Many halflings believe in the power of luck, and they. child—helps them pass through crowds unnoticed and slip through tight spaces. Anyone who has spent time around halflings, particularly halfling adventurers, has likely witnessed the storied &ldquo.
Enombathonian (Phoenixkin) - DMDave Publishing
Now, on to Romulo’s request, the Phoenixkin (Enombathonians) are flightless, bird humanoids. Kinda like kenkus, but red and orange feathers, with more of a Phasianidae/peacock structure than eagle (like aarakocra) or corvis (like kenku). As an enombathonian (phoenixkin), you have the following traits: Ability Score Increase.
Character Classes for Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition …
Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Classes. A comprehensive list of all official character classes for Fifth Edition.
payneio/enom-ddns: Dynamic DNS client for Enom - GitHub
Dynamic DNS client for Enom. Contribute to payneio/enom-ddns development by creating an account on GitHub.
Weapons - DND 5th Edition
The Weapons tables below show the most common weapons used in the worlds of D&D, their price and weight, the damage they deal when they hit, and any special properties they possess. Every weapon is classified as either melee or ranged.
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