  1. Complete Warmage - 5th Edition SRD

  2. Warmage – Class - D&D Tools

  3. The Warmagepedia: A Comprehensive Warmage Handbook

  4. Warmage | Base Class - Mage Hand Press

  5. Wizard: War Magic - DND 5th Edition

  6. 其他用户还问了以下问题
  7. Warmage - Forgotten Realms Wiki

    Warmages were arcane spellcasters who lived for the din of combat, clashing blades, screams of pain, and, especially, the epic destruction wrought by war. The more utilitarian spells of wizards, sorcerers, and bards had little …

  8. Introduction to the Warmage: Be all You can Be (which …

    2012年12月4日 · Warmages power increase drastically as you add more spells to their list. I'd add the Fiend-Blooded prestige class from Heroes of Horror. The first nine levels are 9/9 casting, you only lose casting at level 10. And you get to …

  9. SRD - Warmage Spell List

  10. Warmage (4e Class) - D&D Wiki

    Warmages have an array of focused abilities, most of which are categorized into one of three character builds: Warmage magister, warmage spellblade, and warmage warder. Every warmage relies upon Intelligence for the majority of …