妮莫 - 神奇宝贝百科,关于宝可梦的百科全书
妮莫 (日文︰ ネモ,英文︰ Nemona)是《朱/紫》中的登场角色。 剧透提示: 以下内容可能包含主要情节或结局的细节,请谨慎阅读。 妮莫性格开朗有精神,热爱 宝可梦对战。 虽然她的对战本领备受肯定,是相当厉害的冠军级宝可梦训练家,但其实有着不擅长投 精灵球 的一面,体力也不是很好。 妮莫在7岁时就从其他某个地区的家乡搬到 帕底亚地区 的 小匙镇 居住。 实际上是 手机洛托姆 公司老板的女儿,本应是富家小姐,但因为她有一名姐姐,父母也对她也采用了放 …
Nemona - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon …
Nemona is a young girl who attends Paldea's academy; due to the school changing based on what version is being played, so does her outfit. Her design otherwise relatively stays the same. Nemona has long black hair with most of it being tied in the back in the form of a ponytail.
Nemona | Pokémon Wiki | Fandom
Nemona is a character appearing in Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet. She is the player's friend and guide during their journey, while also being their rival. Nemona is a young girl of moderately tall stature. She wears the player's school uniform outfit that changes color depending on …
Why is Nemona seemingly the only person that remembers …
2022年12月27日 · It's just kind of jarring, which makes me appreciate more that not only does Nemona remember beating you in a fight, but she also seems to be the only person that you're not forced to beat in order for the story to progress
Pokemon Trainer Nemona - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Guide - IGN
2022年12月21日 · Nemona is the new rival trainer in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Nemona is a very energetic teen girl who has a great love for Pokemon battles. She'll offer you aid throughout your...
Viewing Character - PocketMonsters.Net
Nemona is a character originally appearing in Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet. She is a student at the Naranja or Uva Academies, depending on the game, and is also a Champion-Level trainer. Battling is her life, and she is always seeking out opponents to fight, and someone to call a true "rival", many of whom do not reciprocate due to her ...
Nemona's feelings : r/pokemon - Reddit
Her "romantic' or 'yandere' personality traits are just her being excited, excited to be able to talk to someone and battle someone that is similar to her for once. That's also why she cheers us on, because she knows we the player can get to her rank and then she'll have a …
Thoughts on Nemona? : r/PokemonScarletViolet - Reddit
Nemona is already at the peak. She's better than the Champion. She's just holding back for your sake. You don't beat her, she allows you to win. Only the final battle is a real one. Plus, you know, the clingy stalker vibes. She just decided you're best friends and rivals on meeting because noone else wants to deal with her. I'm understanding why.
How to Beat Nemona: Best Team and Strategy - Game8
2024年12月4日 · Nemona is your rival throughout the Victory Road storyline in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Read on to learn more about the Pokemon she uses in battle, tips on how to beat her, and the possible reason behind why she wears a glove. Nemona appears alongside Arven and Penny in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC's Epilogue.
Free STL file Nemona ・Template to download and 3D print・Cults
2023年8月1日 · Nemona from Pokemon Scarlet/Violet. Includes pre-supported files. Support my work at https://www.patreon.com/irnkman
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