r/DnD on Reddit: DM's, what were some of the best props you've …
I write the letters with a fountain pen too. My players love it. The fake gems are from Wal-Mart and are fake fishbowl gems, they are about $2. I think props are great for immersion, the players …
Dungeons and Dragons Props - Reddit
what if I stuck rubbing alcohol in a DIY snow globe kit mixed with food coloring to make a crystal ball prop, additionally you could put a contrasting color of mica powder so that when you …
Homemade terrain and props : r/DnD - Reddit
2023年3月18日 · Hello! So I’m in the process of making some home made cardboard terrain and props for an upcoming oneshot I’m running. Does anyone have any tips regarding making stuff …
r/DnD on Reddit: What are some neat and immersive props that …
2014年7月31日 · The scenario was kind of terrible (my own home-brew) but the props were awesome. The scenario was a one-shot with the players using characters that were part of the …
[OC][Art] My collection of printables props for DnD - Reddit
2020年12月20日 · This pack is composed of more than 150++ props for your tabletop sessions. They are meant to be printed at home ideally on a resin printer, and pre supported versions …
What are some cool props I can give my players? : r/DnD - Reddit
2023年1月15日 · I love giving my player props, it's super fun and I feel it helps immersion. I already have a few such as physical letters from NPCs, physical scrolls, etc, as well as …
Guides for making props and handouts : r/DnD - Reddit
2014年6月5日 · Guides for making props and handouts Does anyone know any good sites/guides/whatever for making props and handouts (ie old papers, letters, maps, wanted …
DIY projects for Tabletop RPGs - Reddit
r/DnDIY: Share your D&D (and other games, too!) DIY projects here!
What CHEAP metal coin props do you recommend? : r/DnD - Reddit
2021年11月26日 · I'm a fool for props and always wanted to get a bunch of metal coins to use in game. I don't care the coins are realistic or even minted, what I want is for them to be metal (or …
FREE Papercraft props and mini's resources - Share your ... - Reddit
2012年10月27日 · FREE Papercraft props and mini's resources - Share your favorite links! I've been doing a fair bit of digging for free papercraft resources for my pathfinder game, and …