ADC使用直方图(histogram)方法绘制DNL和INL - 知乎
以下是使用直方图方法绘制DNL和INL,需要注意Step 3数据点数量,测量误差和置信概率的关系,足够的数据点才能得到可信度高的结果。
INL/DNL Measurements for High-Speed Analog-to-Digital …
2001年11月20日 · A DVM connected to the analog integrated servo loop measures the INL/DNL error versus output code (Figures 4a and 4b). Note that a parabolic or bow shape in the plot of "INL vs. output code" indicates the predominance of even-order harmonics, and an "S shape" indicates the predominance of odd-order harmonics. Figure 4a.
直方图统计法计算ADC DNL和INL的方法 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
如图,DNL(差分非线性)误差指的是任意一个输出台阶的宽度与1 LSB理想台阶宽度之间的偏差;INL(积分非线性)误差指的是实际输出相较于全量程传输函数的最大偏差,实际全量程的传输函数需要补偿ADC本身的 Gain Error 和 offset 。
inldnl - MathWorks
s = inldnl(analog,digital,range,type) calculates the integral nonlinearity (INL) and differential nonlinearity (DNL) errors of ADCs and DACs. The function calculates INL and DNL using the analog and digital input output data and the nominal analog dynamic range of the converter.
ADC的非线性误差DNL、INL的MATLAB简单计算及其方差最大值的 …
2021年12月28日 · DNL:微分非线性。指的是数字输出每增加“1”时,输出模拟量的变化值与LSB的差距。 DNL=\frac{A_{i}-A_{i-1}-LSB}{LSB} (2\leq i\leq2^{N}-1) INL:积分非线性。指模拟输出与理想输出之间的差距。 INL=A_{real}-A_{ideal} DNL和INL之间的关系为,INL等于DNL的累加,DNL等于相邻INL的差 ...
Typical ADC Output Spectrum Plot....................................................................................... The important ADC parameters are usually divided in two broad categories: DC (or Static) Input Specifications and AC (or Dynamic) Input Specifications. This report covers the following specifications in detail.
ADC INL&DNL测试方法和实例 - CSDN博客
2023年8月28日 · DNL(微分 非线性):在 ADC 实际传输曲线中,每个输出代码对应的输入电压宽度称为码宽,DNL指实际码宽电压与理想码宽电压 (LSB: Least Significant Bit) 之差,即: INL和DNL计算是排除了OFFSET和GAINERROR干扰的,其计算值只与实际曲线曲线)和理论曲线有关,和理想曲线无关,因此offset的偏移和校准不会对INL和DNL值产生干扰。 本文采用的测试方法为直方图法(也称码密度法),其原理如下: 如果输入信号的概率密度分布为均匀分 …
DNL plot of the flash ADC | Download Scientific Diagram
In this paper, a 6-bit 1 Gs/sec flash analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for low voltage and high speed system-on-chip (SoC) applications is presented. Simulated with the 45nm Predictive Technology...
How to plot INL & DNL of converter...? - Cadence Design Systems
It contains links to many references to assist with characterizing an ADC or DAC. Calculator documentation (ViVA) also contains inl () and dnl () functions that you might find useful. I designed 12 bit digital to analog converter, I successfully plot the transient graph of that converter. Now my question is that how to find and plot the most import
Understanding ADC Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) Error
2022年12月9日 · Learn about an imperfection that can affect the system response, the ADC’s nonlinearity, namely the differential nonlinearity (DNL) and integral nonlinearity (INL) specifications. The transfer function of a real-world analog-to-digital converter (ADC) might deviate from the ideal response due to effects such as offset and gain errors.
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