CD34 and microtubule-associated protein 2 expression in
Methods and results: Forty-one DNTs classified as three histological forms were investigated with CD34 and microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) immunohistochemistry. CD34 …
Double-negative T cells utilize a TNFα–JAK1–ICAM-1 cytotoxic axis ...
2024年6月12日 · Allogeneic double-negative T cells (DNTs) are a rare T-cell subset that effectively target acute myeloid leukemia (AML) without inducing graft-versus-host disease in …
Anti-leukemia effect of ex vivo expanded DNT cells from AML
2011年5月13日 · These data demonstrate that ex vivo expanded DNT cells from AML patients can kill primary CD34 + leukemic blasts in vitro and that both DNT cell subsets contribute to …
Targeting chemotherapy-resistant leukemia by combining DNT …
2018年4月24日 · We also observe complementary activity between conventional chemotherapy and DNT therapy on CD34 + primary AML samples, which suggests that DNTs can target …
Allogeneic human double negative T cells as a novel …
In this study, we explored a non-conventional T cell subset named double negative T cells (DNTs) as a novel therapy to target AML, including leukemic cells that are resistant to the conventional …
CRISPR screen identifies genes that sensitize AML cells to …
2021年4月22日 · Dead cells were identified as the CD3 − /Annexin V + population. For patient leukemic blasts, cells were stained with CD45, CD33, CD34, CD3, and CD64 to identify …
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors share with pleomorphic ...
DNT include the specific form and the controversial non-specific form that lack the specific glioneuronal element. Our aims were to search for BRAF(V600E) mutation and CD34 …
2023年4月28日 · 双阴性T细胞(DNT)是外周成熟T细胞,表达CD3,但不表达CD4、CD8或自然杀伤(NK)T细胞标志物。 尽管这些细胞代表了外周血中约1-5%的T淋巴细胞的一个小亚 …
Venetoclax enhances T cell–mediated antileukemic activity by …
2021年7月22日 · DNTs were cocultured with target cells for 2 to 4 hours, and cells were then stained with anti-human CD3 (HIT3a), CD33 (WM53), CD45 (HI30), and CD34 (561) …
Diffuse form of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour: the ...
Immunoreactivity for CD34 and nestin characterizes the dDNT and helps to distinguish it from other lesions associated with epilepsy. Histological evidence indicative of transition of dDNT to …