c++ - Is there ever a need for a "do {...} while ( )" loop? - Stack ...
This is cleanest alternative to do-while that I have seen. It is the idiom recommended for Python which does not have a do-while loop. One caveat is that you can not have a continue in the <setup code> since it would jump the break condition, but none of the examples that show the benefits of the do-while need a continue before the condition.
c++ - Do if(){ } while() statement - Stack Overflow
2015年7月29日 · Also in C++ declarations are also statements. So you may place a declaration between the do and while. For example. int n = 10; do int i = ( std::cout << --n, n ); while ( n ); In C declarations are not statements. So you may not place a declaration between the do and while in C. And another funny example
c++ - What is a real life application for a 'do while loop' - Stack ...
2017年8月24日 · Do-while loops are sometimes useful if you want the code to output some sort of menu to a screen so that the menu is guaranteed to show once. Example: int data; do { cout << "Enter 0 to quit: "; cin >> data; cout << endl << endl; } while (data != 0); You can accomplish this same thing using just a while loop also.
Do while with a boolean as the condition in c++? - Stack Overflow
2013年4月13日 · It will exit when (d > 15 || i == 3) which means (d > 15 or i == 3).. i is incremented at each iteration therefore if i is < 3 at the beginning of the program we are sure that at a certain point it will reach i == 3 and break the loop.
Yes/No program using while loop in C++ - Stack Overflow
2016年10月20日 · The continue statement is used to immediately skip to the next iteration of a loop, for or while, terminating the current iteration. From cppreference.com: Causes the remaining portion of the enclosing for, range-for, while or do-while loop body to be skipped. Used when it is otherwise awkward to ignore the remaining portion of the loop using ...
c++ - What is the purpose of do {...} while(false ... - Stack Overflow
2024年5月17日 · Those do..while are normally intended to do a clean-up. By all means possible I would prefer to use RAII and return early from a short function. On the other hand, C doesn't provide you as much conveniences as C++ does, making a do..while one of the best approaches to do a cleanup.
The difference between while and do while C++? [duplicate]
For Example: In case of while loop nothing gets printed in this situation as 1 is not less than 1, condition fails and loop exits int n=1; while(n<1) cout << "This does not get printed" << endl; Whereas in case of do while the statement gets printed as it doesn't know anything about the condition right now until it executes the body atleast ...
Do while loop with choice as char in C - Stack Overflow
2012年8月17日 · Basic problem of while loop in c with or operator, using to get choice from user Hot Network Questions Mixed up two hyperlinks for an in text citation in my manuscript.
C++ Do - While loop until a string meets certain criteria
2013年5月15日 · First Your conditional for the while loop is incorrect. Right now it reads, while departure is not 'MAN' or is not "EMA" or is not "LHR", continue looping. Because departure cannot be all three of them simultaneously, the loop never ends. I would suggest replacing your OR's (||) with AND's (&&)
Equivalent using for-loop instead do-while-loop - Stack Overflow
2013年12月22日 · There is no other loop that executes the loop content at least once, as do-while does. Of course you could emulate do-while with a flag and a while loop: do { A; } while (B) becomes. int flag=1; while (flag || B) { flag=0; A; } but that's not really an alternative, it just obscures your original intent.