Your Domain Name: Do You www or Not? - SitePoint
2017年5月11日 · Most people understand that a .com, .org, or .net address is a website, even without the ‘www’ prefix. Whether to use ‘www’ or not often comes down to aesthetic preference and ease of typing....
url - What does WWW do? - Webmasters Stack Exchange
Why the www works could possibly be Wildcard DNS entry, which means *.example.com resolves to the same IP, effectively a catch all for sub domains that don't exist.
WWW vs. non-WWW: Which is Better for SEO? - Search Engine …
2021年10月4日 · While browsing the internet or optimizing websites, you may have come across sites that are not using “www” prefixes, instead opting for non-www. For example, URLs with www: And URLs without www:...
Do I Need "WWW" in My URL for It to Work? | Hover Blog
2021年2月5日 · Today, it’s in your site’s best interest to ensure that your domain works with or without the WWW. You’ll need to configure it properly so it works whether a user types www.yoursite.com or yoursite.com. To do this, you’ll need to set up a 301 redirect. There are a number of reasons why this is important. Should I Have WWW in My URL?
Eli5 Why do some websites ONLY work without the www. In the …
2021年11月19日 · To expand on this as well, yes it is easier to type without the www and most sites will automatically redirect to www (if configured). Generally sites use www because of cookies and data sharing reasons though e.g. a cookie shared on .example.com is available for all it's subdomains (www, mail, FTP, etc.)
Choosing between www and non-www URLs - URIs | MDN - MDN Web Docs
2025年2月18日 · Unlike the previous case, browser history will consider non-www and www URLs as independent entries. With these techniques, you can configure your server to respond correctly for both, the www-prefixed and the non-www-prefixed domains. It is good advice to do this since you can't predict which URL users will type in their browser's URL bar.
Why Don't You Have to Put "WWW" Before URLs? - Mental Floss
2015年11月12日 · Entering “www” means you want to contact the specific server that will send you back the requested page in all its HTML glory. The prefix "www" was never mandatory, but it traditionally served as...
When Is "www" Needed and Why? - Ask Leo!
2021年8月16日 · Some sites need it, most sites ignore it. The "www" in website addresses is now typically optional and even redundant, but there was once a reason as to why it was required in URLs. Question: Why do some website addresses have “www” and some don’t? And why do some work with or without the “www”?
To www or Not to www -- That is the Question - SitePoint
2012年9月7日 · From a user’s perspective, there’s no significant difference between a WWW and Non-WWW domain. However, some users may naturally type “www” before your domain name out of habit. If you’ve chosen a...
domains - Should I include "www" in my website's URLs? What are …
What are the pros and cons of having http://www.example.com/ vs http://example.com/? For example a problem I'm aware of is that if I use a domain without www I can't set a cookie for the current subdomain only (since there is no subdomain), and the cookies I …