Dornier Do 217 - Wikipedia
Designed in 1937-38 as a heavy bomber but not meant to be capable of the longer-range missions envisioned for the larger Heinkel He 177, the Do 217's design was refined during 1939 and production began in late 1940. It entered service in early 1941 and by the beginning of 1942 was available in significant numbers.
Do217轰炸机 - 百度百科
Do217是 第二次世界大战 中德国使用的一种双引擎重型轰炸机。 该机由道尼尔公司开发,主要用于替代性能已逐渐落后的Do17型轰炸机。 Do 217是“二战”中德国使用的双发重型轰炸机,1940年开始服役。 得益于强劲的发动机,Do 217拥有比其他德国双发轰炸机都大的载弹量。 Do 217可以携带的炸弹比Ju 88的早期型号都多,而Do 217的速度也很快,在最大平飞速度这一项上甚至超过了Ju 88。 在服役后近两年的时间里,Do 217都是德国最大的轰炸机,直到 He 177 问世后这 …
Do 217轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2023年5月29日 · 道尼尔 Do 217 是 第二次世界大战 中 德国 使用的一种双 引擎 重型轰炸机。 该机由 道尼尔公司 开发,主要用于替代性能已逐渐落后的 Do 17 型轰炸机。 早在二战爆发前,道尼尔就已经认识到了 Do 17 的弱点。 尤其是在了解到 容克公司 的 Ju 88 原型机 已经在任何一个方面都超过了前者后,更是决心研制出一种超越Do 17和Ju 88的新飞机来。 Do 217基本上可以被视为是 Do 215 (英语:Dornier Do 215) 的放大版。 不过,虽然两种飞机都使用 DB 601 发动机 …
Dornier Do 217 Twin-Engine Multi-role Medium Bomber Aircraft
2020年3月14日 · The Do 217K became the base bomber model in production and a lengthened wingspan produced the K-2. The K-3 was outfitted for the carrying and launching of the Fritz X radio-controlled bomb. The Do 217M incorporated DB 603A series inline engines.
二战德国空军旧照(6)“罗马号”杀手-道尼尔DO217轰炸机 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年9月13日 · DO217是二战时德国空军为了替代DO17而开发的双引擎轰炸机,1940年开始服役。 新的发动机配置使得其时速一度超过了JU88,其载弹量也在双发轰炸机中名列前茅。 DO217可以装载多种航弹,包括弗里茨X无线电滑翔制导炸弹和HS293制导炸弹。 直到HE177问世前,DO217一直都保持着最大载弹量的记录......除数量最多的E型之外她还有着众多的改型,如H,K,M,J,N,P型. 注:这次DO217的图文很长,建议各位准备15分钟左右的时间慢慢浏览0w0. …
Do-217K Night Bomber Dornier - Luftwaffe - AirPages
Do-217K-2 was the heaviest of all production Do 217s, weighing 16,850 kg. It was specially designed to carry the FX 1400 heavy radio-controlled bomb after the He 111H was found unsuitable for the task. The massive bombs, also known as "Fritz X", were suspended from special holders under the mid-wing.
Dornier Do 217 - World War Photos
Do 217 was a World War II medium bomber designed from scratch as a replacement for the venerable Do 17. Dornier recognized shortcomings of its fast Do 17 well before the war. With Junker’s new Ju 88 prototype being superior to the Do 17 in every way, Dornier decided to make a new bomber better than its Do 17, and its Junkers Ju 88 competition.
2020年5月9日 · 其实参与第二次世界大战Do-217型轰炸机是Do-217E型轰炸机、Do-217K型轰炸机,这两种型号的轰炸机在二战期间的表现可谓是非常的出色。
Dornier Do 217 K - Warbirds Resource Group
Dornier Do 217 K. To replace the Do 217, the RLM focussed on the He 177 A-3 and A-5 to be the long-range carrier aircraft for missiles, owing to the lack of BMW engines to power the Dornier. The Battle of Stalingrad used up more and more aircrews which prevented them retraining on the Do 217 for glide bomb operations.
2019年7月17日 · In June 1940, having defeated France in one of the most spectacularly decisive land battles in military history, the German Nazi dictator Adolf Hit... Versatile bomber, nightfighter, recce-plane which also carried the first guided aerial weapon.
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