The JSPS provides outcomes to CJCS to calibrate decisions for how the DoD sequences day-to-day initiatives, and deliberate investments to develop leaders, concepts, and capabilities to achieve strategic objectives for the future.
Planning System (JSPS). The JSPS is the method by which the Chairman fulfills statutory responsibilities under Title 10, U.S. Code, maintains a global perspective, leverages strategic opportunities, translates strategy into outcomes, and develops military advice …
Instruction - Link - CJCSI 3100.01, Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS)
The JSPS is the method by which the Chairman fulfills his responsibilities under Title 10, U.S. Code (Title 10, U.S.C.), maintains a global perspective, and develops military advice for the Secretary of Defense and the President.
2019年3月18日 · This guide is an executive summary of the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) joint planning and execution enterprise. This guide, and associated Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) 3130 family of documents, provide policy and procedures for implementing Secretary of Defense (SecDef) guidance in joint planning and execution.
The JSPS enables the Chairman to assist the President and the Secretary of Defense in providing unified strategic direction to the Armed Forces, to assist with their command function as required, and to perform those authoritative directive functions with which he is specifically charged by law to include: planning, joint doctrine, education ...
The JSPS provides the structure for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to interact with National, Congressional, and DoD processes; it encompasses how the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff carries out statutory responsibilities assigned in Titles 6, 10, 22, and 50 of the United States Code.
Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS) - The Lightning Press SMARTbooks
The Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS) is the primary system by which the CJCS carries out USC-assigned statutory responsibilities. The JSPS enables the CJCS to conduct assessments; provide military advice to the President, SecDef, NSC, and Homeland Security Council (HSC); and assist the President and SecDef in providing strategic direction ...
Instruction - JS, CJCSI 3100.01E, JSPS, 21 May 2021 - DAU
2021年5月21日 · The JSPS is the method by which the Chairman fulfills statutory responsibilities under Title 10, U.S. Code, maintains a global perspective, leverages strategic opportunities, translates strategy into outcomes, and develops military advice for the Secretary of Defense (SecDef) and the President
2015年5月14日 · Under the authority, direction, and control of the ASD(HA), the DASD(HRP&O) regularly reviews joint and Service medical readiness requirements as part of the DoD PPBES and Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS) cycles with warfighter transformation efforts through improved data, improved software models and tools, and collaborative studies ...
The JSPS aligns products and processes to support the CJCS’s continuum of strategic direction (Figure 1) on how the joint force employs, adapts, and innovates to meet the requirements of strategic guidance and direction and achieve objectives for global integration.