This Handbook provides standard operating procedures for the Department of Defense (DoD) Priority Placement Program (PPP) as required under reference (a) and Volume 1800 of reference (b). It also delegates authority and assigns overall responsibility for administration of the PPP. The procedures in this Handbook shall be used by all DoD
Priority Placement Program - DCPAS
The three-and-one-half day Basic PPP training course for Human Resources practitioners covers the policy and procedures for matching and filling positions, registration of employees, the function of the Automated Stopper and Referral System, PPP for overseas activities, action codes reporting of referral resumes, and option codes for ...
2015年8月31日 · If placed within DoD ‒Costs reimbursed in accordance with JTR Outside DoD ‒Consult with HRO Relocation Costs
Workforce Shaping-Employment-Policy - DCPAS
DCPAS is responsible for implementing, maintaining, and ensuring the efficient and effective operation of the DOD Priority Placement Program (PPP), workforce shaping and restructuring, and other DOD downsizing and transition assistance programs for civilian employees.
Returning From Overseas Employment - Defense Logistics Agency
The PPP is a DoD-wide automated program to assist in the placement of employees adversely affected by actions such as Reduction-in-Force, base closures, realignments, consolidations, contracting out, position classification decisions, rotation from overseas, and transfer of function.
2020年1月16日 · Establishes policy, delegates authority, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for the Priority Placement Program (PPP) for DoD civilian employees and others eligible for priority placement, in accordance with DoD Directive 1400.25.
What is the Priority Placement Program (PPP)? A. The PPP is an automated mandatory placement program used to match eligible well-qualified employees, most of whom are subject to displacement, with vacant positions throughout DoD.
Priority Placement Program (PPP) This is a DoD placement program for employees adversely impacted by actions such as reduction in force (RIF), base closures, contracting out and transfer of function. When a vacancy occurs, well-qualified personnel who have registered in the program may be mandatory placements to fill the vacancy.
the Priority Placement Program (PPP) which uses automated referral procedures to exercise MSP for competitive service vacancies in the U.S. The good news is registration in the PPP is no...
This DoD-wide automated PPP provides a mechanism for the placement of employees adversely affected by actions such as, but not limited, Reductions in Force, base closures, realignments, consolidations, contracting out, position classification decisions, rotation from overseas, and transfers of function. c.