FVAP.gov - Federal Voting Assistance Program
Go to vote.gov to get election information. Register and request a ballot with the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) Vote the “backup” Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB) Find your election office contact information; Mailing Ballots and Election Date Updates; Learn about military and overseas absentee voting
Military Voters - Federal Voting Assistance Program
Ensuring Service members, their eligible family members and overseas citizens can vote -- from anywhere in the world.
Directives and Guidance - Federal Voting Assistance Program
Directives and Guidelines for Voting Assistance Officers. As a Voting Assistance Officer (VAO), you provide accurate, nonpartisan voting information and assistance to ensure military and overseas voters understand their voting rights, how to register and apply for an absentee ballot, and how to return their absentee ballot successfully.
Election season do's and don'ts for DOD personnel
2020年8月31日 · Voting. Active-duty military and civilian employees are encouraged to take part in their civic duty by voting. In fact, DOD voting assistance is provided through the Federal Voting...
Voting Assistance Program Keeps Service Members Informed
2024年6月25日 · The Federal Voting Assistance Program works with the services to make sure eligible citizens are aware of their voting rights.,
Service Members, Civilians Bound By DOD Rules During Election Campaigns
The DOD’s Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) was created to ensure that Service members and their eligible family are aware of their right to vote and have the tools and resources to ...
Voting - Air Force's Personnel Center
The Department of the Air Force (DAF) Voting Assistance Program (VAP) works to ensure Airmen, Guardians, eligible family members and overseas citizens are aware of their right to vote and have the tools and resources to successfully do so from anywhere in the world.
Political season DOs and DON'Ts for DoD employees
2024年2月2日 · With the directives set forth in DoDD 1344.10 and other regulations in mind, service members should be aware of what they can and cannot do regarding political activities. · Register to vote, vote, and encourage others to vote. · Express a personal opinion on political candidates and issues.
Press Release: Evaluation of DoD Voting Assistance Programs for ...
2024年3月28日 · This evaluation’s findings underscore the important role of the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) Office in providing effective outreach and assistance to eligible voters covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act.
Election Season Do's and Don'ts - United States Navy
2016年4月5日 · DoD encourages all service members and federal civilian employees to register and vote. The Federal Voting Assistance Program is in place to ensure everyone has the resources, time and...