DODAF - Viewpoints CV2: Capability Taxonomy - U.S.
The CV-2 specifies all the capabilities that are referenced throughout one or more architectures. In addition, it can be used as a source document for the development of high-level use cases...
DOD Viewpoints CV1: Vision - U.S. Department of Defense
The CV-1 defines the strategic context for a group of capabilities described in the Architectural Description by outlining the vision for a capability area over a bounded period of time. It...
DODAF Viewpoints and Models - Capability Viewpoint
The Capability Viewpoint and the DoDAF-described Models within the viewpoint are introduced into DoDAF V2.0 to address the concerns of Capability Portfolio Managers. In particular, the...
DoDAF之能力视图(CV)-企业架构 - 火龙果软件工程
2023年8月16日 · DoDAF(Department of Defense Architecture Framework)是美国国防部制定的一种框架,用于管理和规划大型复杂系统的架构。随着微服务架构的流行,DoDAF也可以用于管理和规划微服务架构。 微服务架构是一种将应用程序拆分为小型自治服务的架构风格。每个服务都具 …
lvzt/DoDAFCNTranslation: DoDAF 2.0 中文翻译 - GitHub
cv-6描述了所需能力与实现这些能力的活动之间的映射。 确保运营/作战活动与所需能力匹配非常重要。cv-6 dodaf描述模型在使用多个cv分析的能力与使用多个ov分析的运营/作战活动之间架起了一座桥梁。
DoDAF的8个视角 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年1月28日 · 关注DoDAF应用的每个细节点! AV:全景视角;DIV:数据与信息视角;StdV:标准视角;CV: 能力视角;OV: 业务视角,OPS领域时,通常翻译为“作战视角”;SvcV:服务视角;SV:系统视角;PV: 项目视角, 注意:DoD和PMI的统一翻译,P代 …
the LML ontology, extended to not only DoDAF MetaModel 2.0 (those mappings were outlined in version 1.0 of the LML standard), but also to add entity classes, relationships and attributes (if required) for the UAF •As a result we are providing a new …
CV-2 能力分类 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年3月12日 · CV-2: Capability Taxonomy,一个结构化的能力清单,联合作战能力、机关管理能力、规划计划能力等都通过它进行定义。 CV-2定义的能力通常继承自联合能力域(JCA--Joint Capability Area)。
CV6: Capability to Operational Activities Mapping - U.S.
The CV-6 DoDAF-described Model provides a bridge between capability analyzed using CVs and operational activities analyzed using OVs. Specifically, it identifies how operational activities...