OV-1: High Level Operational Concept Graphic - U.S. Department …
The OV-1 describes a mission, class of mission, or scenario. The purpose of OV-1 is to provide a quick, high-level description of what the architecture is supposed to do, and how it is supposed...
DoDAF之任务视图(OV) -企业架构 - 火龙果软件工程
ov-1可用于确定详细讨论的方向和重点。 ov-1的预期用途包括:将任务执行情况或场景置于交互联系中;提供讨论和演示的工具;提供已发布的高层组织内的详细信息的汇总说明以及已发布的体系结构中的更详细信息。 ov-2任务资源流描述模型
Department of Defense Architecture Framework - Wikipedia
It defines the type of information exchanged, the frequency of exchanges, the tasks and activities supported by these exchanges and the nature of the exchanges. The DoDAF V1.5 OV products are defined as: OV-1 High Level Operational Concept Graphic
DoDAF Software Guide - OV-1 - High-Level Operational Concept Graphic
2019年12月24日 · The OV-1 describes a mission, class of mission, or scenario. It shows the main operational concepts and interesting or unique aspects of operations. It describes the interactions between the subject architecture and its environment, and between the …
DODAF Models - Model List - U.S. Department of Defense
The decision-maker and process owners will determine the DoDAF-described Models that are required for their purposes. The DoDAF-described Models are grouped into the following viewpoints:...
DoDAF的过程指南和建模工具-MBSE - 火龙果软件工程
2021年8月16日 · 如下是在ea中建立的几个dodaf模型图例。 ov1:高层操作概念图. ov-1描述了任务、任务类别或场景。它显示了主要的操作概念以及操作关注的方面。描述了当前关注的系统与其环境之间以及与外部系统之间的交互。
DODAF Viewpoints and Models - Operational Viewpoint - U.S.
The use of OV DoDAF-described Models (e.g., Operational Resource Flow Description and Operational Activity Model) supports identification of the boundaries of capabilities, thus rendering the...
OV-1 High-Level Operational Concept Graphic - No Magic
The OV-1 describes a mission, class of mission, or scenario. It shows the main operational concepts and interesting or unique aspects of operations. It describes the interactions between the subject architecture and its environment, and between the architecture and external systems.
OV-1的目的是提供快速的、高层次的描述该体系结构要做什么和如何去做,它的主要用途是使人们之间沟通方便。 OV-1是最最灵活的体系结构产品,没有模板限制,格式自由,可变。 本案例采用图片的方式表达高层作战概念。 红方指挥所指挥作战飞机轰炸蓝方目标,由于蓝方防空导弹的存在,作战飞机需要突破蓝方放空区方可执行任务,严重威胁飞机安全。 因此需要一款x炸弹,可使作战飞机在蓝方防空区外投放,保证飞机安全并实现作战目标。 OV-4阐述的是各种角色、组织 …
OV-1高级作战概念图 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年2月18日 · OV-1 High-Level Operational Concept Graphic,以图形的方式呈现作战概念/构想。 图1:美军陆战队CH-53种马王重型直升机的作战概念OV-1图; 图2:国防部信息系统局(DISA)给出HC-130飞机的高级作战概念图OV-1示例…
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