DOC - R6 Operator Guide - Rainbow Six Siege Center
Doc, a supporting and anchoring operator, is most likely about to die at the beginning of the action phase while spawn peeking attackers. He is the only healer available to defenders in R6 Siege. Doc R6 is one of the easiest operators to utilize efficiently, thus …
Doc - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
早期版本中,Doc的武器 MP5 和 P90 都有2.5x倍率的ACOG瞄准镜可选,使得那时候许多Doc玩家在开局会直接前去窗外试图截杀室外的进攻方(偷人),这一高风险行为一旦失误很容易导Doc开局暴毙,无法对团队贡献作用。
Doc's Elite set is now available. Includes the No Man's Land weapon skin for the MP5, P90, SG-CQB, LFP586, and P9. Also comes with the Elite Doc Chibi charm, Trench Medic uniform, They Shall Not Pass victory animation, and the Vintage Medical gadget skin for his Stim Pistol.
IranQin/MP5: [CVPR2024] This is the official implement of MP5 - GitHub
MP5: A Multi-modal Open-ended Embodied System in Minecraft via Active Perception
Doc | Operators | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Ubisoft
Learn more about GIGN operator DOC in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege.
[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Doc Loadouts That Are Excellent
2024年8月8日 · MP5 with Magnified B, Extended Barrel, and Angled Grip + P9 with Suppressor and Laser + Barbed Wire. Generally, the MP5 submachine gun is the preferred choice by players when playing Doc. That’s mostly because it has higher damage than the P90.
Doc's Stim Pistol : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
2019年7月16日 · Historically he's had a pretty positive win delta. The ACOG MP5 is reasonable for mid distances and the CQB shotgun melts people at close range.
三角洲行动全武器配置指南:MP5冲锋枪 - 哔哩哔哩
Mp5 or p90 for doc or rook : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
2022年3月24日 · Personal preference. Mp5 is easier to control and more friendly. P90 is statistically better with higher dps and RoF. If you are able to control recoil, as doc I would go P90. As rook mp5 because he has access to 2.0x scope
MP5 - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
The MP5 is a German submachine gun featured in Rainbow Six Siege. It is available for use by Doc, Rook & Melusi.