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The DoDAF Architecture Framework Version 2.02 - U.S.
Welcome to DoDAF Version 2.02! This is the official and current version for the Department of Defense Architecture Framework. Version 2.02, is the approved release of the DoDAF as of August 2010....
Department of Defense Architecture Framework - Wikipedia
The Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) is an architecture framework for the United States Department of Defense (DoD) that provides visualization infrastructure for specific stakeholders concerns through viewpoints organized by various views.
All Viewpoints-Integrated Dictionary - U.S. Department of Defense
Standard taxonomies, like DISR Service Categories, become building blocks for more comprehensive, quality architectural DoDAF-described Models and Fit-for-Purpose Views.
美国国防部体系架构框架(DoDAF) - CSDN博客
IBM Rational 用集成产品的方式全面支持 DoDAF ,这些产品是证实了的系统工程过程(Rational Unified Process® for Systems Engineering ,或称 RUP-SE ),和设计用来简化发现、描述、实现,和演进多种与 DoD 运作任务相关的复杂企业架构的功能。 IBM Rational 工具明显地符合 DoDAF 的规范,建立在 IBM Rational 的基于 Eclipse 的建模解决方案上,包括 IBM Rational Software Architect® 、IBM Rational Software Modeler® ,和 IBM Rational Systems …
基于DoDAF全面解读《(美) 国防部零信任参考架构》 - 安全内参
奇安信身份安全实验室基于美军队体系结构描述方法DoDAF,对美国防部零信任参考架构进行了解读,展示了架构的高层视角,能力视角和作战视角。 1. 概述. 美国国防信息系统局(DISA)在2021年2月发布了《(美)国防部零信任参考结构》的1.0版,于2021年5月13日在线上公开全文。 1.5版的预计发布时间在2022年。 该报告开篇即明确: 美国防部(DoD)下一代的网络安全架构将基于零信任原则,以数据为中心进行建设。 其认为实施零信任是保护基础设施、网络和数据的 …
DODAF - 百度百科
DODAF V2.02立足实体 (如机关)与时俱进地转型,聚焦于6类 利益攸关方 、6个标准疑问、可遴选的8个视点和52个模型,提供解决人员、流程和技术融为一体、结构化、深层次问题的(建模)方法集。 依据DODAF架构的EA,可揭示团队当前状况、勾画团队未来蓝图、确定团队的发展计划,从而奠定团队可视、可控、和谐、滚动和持续发展的基础。 架构EA的最终目的:是夯实团队信息化乃至现代化的基础。 依据DODAF架构的EA,支持作战(或业务)决策、联合能力集成和 …
All Viewpoints Overview - U.S. Department of Defense
DoDAF consists of a set of viewpoints and these are organized in terms of models. Each model is associated with a specific set of concerns that certain stakeholders have, and which the models...
DoDAF 2.0 viewpoints and views - UPDM 2 Plugin 19.0 LTR - No …
The Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) is an architecture framework for the United States Department of Defense (DoD) that provides visualization infrastructure for specific stakeholders concerns through viewpoints organized by various views.
nomeação publicada no DODF nº 213, de 06 de novembro de 2024, do candidato abaixo, aprovado no concurso público a que se refere o Edital de abertura nº 01, de 10 de março de 2022, publicado no DODF nº 47, de 10 de março de 2022, com resultado final homologado pelo Edital nº 08, de 22 de agosto de 2023, para exercer o cargo de