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The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DoD OIG) announced today that it released the “Audit of the DoD Government Travel Charge Card Program: The Visa IntelliLink Compliance Management System.”
Department of Defense Office of Inspector General > About
Provide leadership and coordination and recommend policies for activities designed to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the administration of, and to prevent and detect fraud and abuse in, such programs and operations.
Hotline - DODIG
You have reached the official website for the DoD Hotline - a confidential means to report fraud, waste, abuse, and other violations of law or policy that affect DoD Military Services, Defense agencies, and other entities with a DoD nexus. Have you contacted your supporting Inspector General or equivalent office?
DoD OIG Reports - dodig.mil
2025年3月18日 · On January 20, 2025, the President issued Executive Orders, “Ending Radical and Wasteful Government Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Programs and Preferencing,” and “Initial Rescissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions” and on January 27, 2025, he issued Executive Order, “Restoring America’s Fighting Force.”
2023年8月16日 · DODAF(Department of Defense Architecture Framework)起源于美国国防部,是一个用于支持复杂系统设计、规划和实施的架构框架。 以下是DODAF的背景和起源: 复杂 系统需求:在军事和国防领域,越来越复杂的系统和技术的引入使得系统设计、规划和管理变得更加困难。 为了更好地管理这些复杂性,美国国防部需要一种方法来描述和理解这些系统,以便更好地进行决策、规划和协调。 架构的 重要性:架构在系统设计中的重要性逐渐凸显出来。 它可以 …
深入解读美国国防部体系结构框架2.0版 | DoDAF 2.0 - 模型巴巴
国防部 体系结构框架 (Department of Defense Architecture Framework,DoDAF)是美国国防部发布的用于指导体系结构开发的顶层的、全面的框架和概念模型,它使国防部各级管理者能够打破国防部、联合能力域(Joint Capability Areas,JCA)、部门或项目等层次界限,实现信息有序共享,提高关键决策能力。 DoDAF2.0的构想是: 3) 重点从特定体系结构产品转向体系结构数据,将其作为制定重要决策所需的信息。 这样,通过DoDAF模型和决策者共同使用的“适用”视 …
Department of Defense Office of Inspector General > About - DODIG
All OIG employees have a direct impact on the mission capability, safety, and welfare of the DoD and the U.S. warfighter. Those chosen to serve with the DoD OIG receive full Federal benefits and have a wide range of programs available to them, including opportunities to …
DoD IG. The Secretary of Defense established a task force to conduct a study of the audit, investigation and inspection components of the DoD. The task force recommended creating a DoD IG. As an alternative, the task force recommended creating the position of “Under Secretary for Review and Oversight.”
Department of Defense Office of Inspector General > About > Organization
The DoD OIG is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, and has more than 50 field offices located in the United States, Germany, Southwest Asia, and South Korea. We employ more than 1,750 dedicated professionals comprised of auditors, investigators, evaluators, and support personnel.
Inspector general slams Pentagon for lacking paperwork on $1.1 …
2024年10月24日 · A Defense Department audit has found that $1.1 billion in payments meant to support Ukraine in the months following Russia’s full-scale invasion of the country lacked proper documentation, raising...
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