National Supplemental Screening Program - Department of Energy
The NSSP provides DOE former workers with exposure-based medical screening examinations designed to identify medical conditions of both occupational and non-occupational origin.
Former Worker Medical Screening Program - Department of Energy
The FWP offers medical screening exams at no cost to all interested and eligible former DOE Federal, contractor, and subcontractor workers who may have been exposed to toxic substances and hazardous conditions while working at a DOE or a covered DOE-related contractor site.
2022年10月12日 · Program serves all former workers from all DOE sites in locations close to their residence. Identify and notify former workers at risk for occupational disease. Offer them medical screening that can lead to treatment. Provide information and assistance about medical follow-up and compensation.
National Supplemental Screening Program
The National Supplemental Screening Program (NSSP) is a health screening program for U.S. Department of Energy former workers. Through the NSSP, DOE offers free customized medical screenings to their former workers who may have been …
• The NSSP is one of the 6 DOE Former Worker Medical Screening Programs (FWP) • We provide free medical screenings to DOE former workers who worked in the following job areas: • Production • Operations • Administration • Scientific/Laboratory • any . non-construction trades work The NSSP is managed and administered by
Resources | The National Supplemental Screening Program (NSSP)
News, links, and other resources for former workers eligible for free medical screening under the National Supplemental Screening Program (NSSP).
Am I eligible? - The National Supplemental Screening Program (NSSP)
To be eligible for a free medical screening under the National Supplemental Screening Program (NSSP), you must be: 1. A former worker (DOE employee, contractor, or subcontractor) who worked at one of these facilities: 2. A former. Production includes production, operations, administration, science, or other non-construction trades workers. 3.
Former U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Worker Medical …
National Supplemental Screening Program (NSSP) A nation-wide free medical screening program for some former DOE workers who may have been exposed to hazardous substances or radiation. For more information about the program, including eligibility requirements, or to enroll in the program, please visit the NSSP website or call the NSSP at 866.812 ...
National Supplemental Screening Program - Department of …
For more information regarding the National Supplemental Screening Program, please call toll-free at (866) 812-6703 or visit their website at http://www.orau.org/nssp. This program serves the following populations: Former workers from sites served by regional programs but who do not reside in close proximity to the regional screening clinics.
Program serves all former workers from all DOE sites in locations close to their residence. Identify and notify former workers at risk for occupational disease. Offer them free medical screening that can lead to treatment. Provide information and assistance about medical follow-up …