Protective Action Criteria (PAC) with AEGLs, ERPGs, & TEELs
The Protective Action Criteria (PAC) for chemicals are essential components for planning and response to uncontrolled releases of hazardous chemicals. The PAC Database includes available Temporary Emergency Exposure Limits (TEEL) as well as Acute Exposure Guideline Level (AEGL) and Emergency Response Planning Guideline (ERPG) values.
Chemical Safety Program: PACs for Chemicals of Concern - Home
2025年1月6日 · Use the Main Menu above to access the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) current data set of Protective Action Criteria (PAC) values in a variety of ways: as a searchable database, as an Excel file, and as a series of tables in PDF format. This database provides information for 3,146 chemicals.
Protective Action Criteria for Chemicals (PACs)
2023年11月2日 · Get a summary of the PACs dataset and links to key resources on this Department of Energy site. Search for PAC values in a database on this Department of Energy site. Get background information on the PACs and TEELs development on this Department of …
DOE-PAC system and STARS in accordance with DOE O 243.1A, Records Management Program, or successor policy. Documents must be attached in the DOE-PAC system as appropriate and maintained manually/electronically by each federal entity or contractor. b. DOE FEDERAL ENTITY ORDERS WITH DOE INTEGRATED CONTRACTORS (1) Scope and …
The process for conducting review and revalidation is governed by DOE-HDBK-1046-2016 (reaffirmed 2022). This document establishes the protocols governing the types of data that are acceptable for use, provides direction when toxicological literature provides results in differing
Table 3 presents a list of chemicals and associated PAC values in numerical order based on the CASRN1 for each chemical. Chemicals without an identified CASRN number are issued an identification number, preceded by the letter “z” for purposes of identification in the PAC data set. PACs are presented in either ppm or mg/m3.
Definition of PACs (AEGLs, ERPGs or TEELs) - Energy.gov
Three levels—AEGL-1, AEGL-2, AEGL-3—are developed for each of five exposure periods (10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, and 8 hours) and are distinguished by varying degrees of severity of toxic effects. DOE guidance is to use the 1 hour AEGL values, which appear in this database. The three AEGLs are defined as follows:
Protective Action Criteria (PACs) are levels of radioactive or chemical materials that threaten or endanger the health and safety of workers or the public. As used in this document, PACs is a collective term for chemical limits that includes AEGL, ERPG, and TEEL values.
Chemical Safety Program: PACs for Chemicals of Concern - Index
Search the PAC Chemical Database.
A DOE field location that needs TEEL values for a chemical can submit a request to DOE Office of Emergency Management using a form found on The Subcommittee on to DOE Office Consequence Assessment and Protective Actions (SCAPA) website. https://sp.eota.energy.gov/EM/SCAPA%20Shared New link/verbiage A DOE …