Guidance: Asbestos Safety Training Equivalency/Reciprocity …
This guidance document explains the equivalency application process as required by Title 10, Part 73 of the New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) to obtain a DOH Certificate of Asbestos Safety Training (DOH-2832). Applicants should apply to this Department following the steps below.
This guidance document explains the equivalency application process as required by Title 10, Part 73 of the New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) to obtain a DOH Certificate of Asbestos Safety Training (DOH-2832). Applicants should apply to this Department following the steps below.
Asbestos Information for Training Providers - New York State …
How can I get a New York State Department of Health Certificate of Asbestos Safety Training (DOH 2832) for myself? You are not allowed to issue yourself a certificate. Active and approved instructors should apply for an equivalency following the steps outlined in the Asbestos Safety Training Equivalency/Reciprocity Application (DOH 4353) .
Attach a copy of the NYS Department of Health (NYS DOH) certificate of asbestos safety training (Form DOH2832) for the asbestos certification type (handler, restricted handler, supervisor, or investigator/inspector) for which you are applying. Note: the form must be current at the time of application submission.
Asbestos Training Courses in New York | Airtek Environmental
Only the DOH-2832 (DOH certificate of asbestos safety training) will be accepted as proof for all refresher courses. You are eligible for a refresher for Asbestos ONLY within 2 years of your previous class.
Training Completion (DOH-2832). It is important that NYCDEP certified asbestos investigators do not base their annual refresher training on the expiration date of their NYCDEP or New York State Department of Labor certificates. If you have any questions regarding this policy please contact our office at (518) 402-7940.
If you have successfully completed a training course approved by the New York State Department of Health (DOH), the school will provide you with a Certificate of Asbestos Safety Training (DOH-2832) marked Department of Labor.
Certification Instructions - CNS Enviro
The DOH-2832 (Student Copy) (aka, the little half-sheet carbon copy piece of paper) is your official record of training, which you will need to supply next year when you need to take your Annual Refresher. This is what needs to go to the NYSDOL to get your license!
If you complete the course and pass the examination, you will be issued a “New York State Department of Health Certificate of Asbestos Safety Training” (DOH-2832). You will receive a New York State Department of Labor (DOL) copy to be submitted to the DOL for certification and a student copy to be kept for your records.
Online | Alfa Training International - CourseStorm
Course Fee includes DOH 2832. *Please note that all NYS courses advertised on this website are in affiliation with an NYS Approved Asbestos Training Provider. This 8-Hour Online course is required annually for students that have successfully completed the initial Project Monitor course.
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