Instructions: This form is to withdraw (take away) consent (permission) to release educational records (which includes Early Intervention Program records) for children and adolescents who have been enrolled in a Health Home.
Health Home Serving Children (HHSC)
HH Consent Withdrawal of Release of Educational Records (DOH 5204) This form is for withdrawal of consent to release educational records to a Health Home for children and adolescents who have been enrolled in a Health Home.
Instrucciones: Este formulario sirve para suspender (quitar) el consentimiento (la autorización) para divulgar los registros educativos, que incluyen los archivos del Early Intervention Program (Programa de Intervención Temprana), de los niños y adolescentes que se inscribieron en un programa de asistencia médica Health Home. Para los menores de 18
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任何人如因另一个人的父母或合法指定监护人已死亡、被监禁、患精神病或被某机构收容,或者因彼等已遗弃或抛弃该个人或居住于州外或彼等下落不明而已承担对该个人的看管和照顾,则其应被视为该个人的监管人 [Ed.L.§ 3212]。 父母可根据《 General Obligations Law》(一般义务法)第 15-A 条的规定,指定另一人作为有父母关系的人以代替亲生父母或养父母(包括与青少年或儿童同住的祖父母、继父母或其他亲戚)。 父母还包括已由早期干预官员或学区指定的代表婴儿/学步儿童或学 …
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Instructions: This form is to withdraw (take away) consent (permission) to release educational records (which includes Early Intervention Program records) for children and adolescents who have been enrolled in a Health Home. Withdrawal of consent for release of educational records for children under age 18 must be provided by the parent.
DOH-5204 - HH Withdrawal of Release of Educational Records …
DOH Forms; DOH-5204 - HH Withdrawal of Release of Educational Records (CCMP) Updated October 16, 2024 14:46. HH Withdrawal of Release of Educational Records DOH-5204 e-signature.pdf (900 KB) Was this article helpful? 0 out of 0 found this helpful ...
DOH Forms – FCM
DOH-5288 Notice of Decision for Discontinuance of the Children's Waiver Still need some help or would like to share feedback? Submit a ticket and we'll get back to you shortly!
If the DOH-5203 was completed and signed providing consent for release of educational records for children and adolescents, the DOH-5204 must be signed to withdraw this consent. It is the CCO/HHs responsibility to notify the person’s care planning team and the State of a person’s choice to withdraw and, if applicable, when a
Children program (DOH Consent Forms 5201, 5203, 5204, and 5055). This guidance document also outlines appropriate practices and procedures to obtain valid consents required for participation and information sharing in the Health Home Serving Children program. • Obtaining consent is a collaborative process between the Health Home care manager,
The DOH 5204 is used to withdraw consent to release educational records (which includes Early Intervention Program records) for children and adolescents who have been enrolled in a HH. Withdrawal of consent for release of educational records for children under age 18 must be provided by the parent, guardian or legally authorized representative.