I am doing ok. - WordReference Forums
2015年4月7日 · I'm doing well - this is the adjective use of well meaning in good health. The continuous form of "do" in this case is the idiomatic expression which refers to one's being/state. However, I'm doing well in school is the adverbial form of well, which modifies the action doing. Such as, I'm performing well in school.
do you ok / are you ok - WordReference Forums
2009年5月20日 · Do you feel ok? Nota la orden... cuando 'Do' procede el pronombre, como los ejemplos anteriores, no es ningún verbo, sino la afirmación de cualquier otro verbo este en la pregunta. Al revés se puede ser el verbo si mismo (como se traduce 'hacer'), sin haber otro.
"Check on you" vs "Check up on you" - WordReference Forums
2015年12月20日 · Hi, When you want to text/email etc. someone and make sure someone is doing OK, which is better to say "I just wanted to check up on you." or "I just wanted to check on you."? I found some other websites that were discussing it, but there were different opinions among native speakers. Someone...
are you doing okay? - WordReference Forums
2008年8月12日 · Hola, AndieGreen: “Are you doing OK” tiene un tono ligero de preocupación amable, por ejemplo, a un amigo que se recupera o un alumno que aprende algo nuevo.
Are you ok with doing that? To do that? doing that?
2020年11月7日 · All three are natural colloquial expressions. But there are lots more ways to ask the same thing, such as: Are you OK with that? or Is [doing] that OK/all right with you? Welcome to the forum. But dare I suggest that on this site you make a point of observing the basic conventions of written English, such as using initial capitals and punctuation.
Greeting - How are you? - How are you doing? - WordReference …
2005年6月10日 · I would not say "are you doing fine?" even though I would say "are you doing ok/alright?" if the person had been ill, or looked ill when I asked the question. (As others have said, How are you? How're you doing? are still more likely). I'm not saying the usage is incorrect, though. "How's it hangin'" always struck me as an awfully personal ...
I hope you are doing ok, all things considered
2015年12月4日 · Ciao a tutti, Un amico a perso suo padre poco tempo fa, e voglio dargli le mie condoglianze ma in modo non troppo formale (diciamo che non è un ragazzo conservatore). In Inglese direi "I hope you are doing ok, all things considered" ma in italiano si può dire "Spero che tutto vada bene...
I hope you are great/Hope you are well/How have you been …
2021年2月15日 · "Hope you are doing great" is very colloquial and (to my ear) fairly American. If you want to 'get down with the kids', I guess you could get away with this. Personally, I would not say it. The use of an adjective instead of an adverb tends to, well.... grate . "I hope you're doing well" or "I hope you're doing OK" are preferable, I feel.
Mum's doing ok now. - WordReference Forums
2010年12月11日 · Hola. No se como traducir 's doing ok en esta frase: - Mum's doing ok now. Agradecería vuestra ayuda al respecto.
I'm ok vs I'm fine - WordReference Forums
2015年6月6日 · Hi, I was wondering if there's any difference between "I'm ok" and "I'm fine" as answer of the question "How are you?". Do they have the same meaning or there is some difference? For example, does "I'm fine" means that I am better than "I'm ok" or there's no such difference? Thank you