Dolgans - Wikipedia
Dolgans (Russian: Долганы; Dolgan: долган, дулҕан, Һака, romanized: dolgan, dulğan, haka ; Yakut: тыа-киһи, romanized: tıa-kihi) are a Turkicized Tungusic ethnic group who mostly …
Dolgan language - Wikipedia
The Dolgan language is a severely endangered Turkic language with 930 speakers, [2] spoken in the Taymyr Peninsula in Russia. [3] The speakers are known as the Dolgans. The word …
Dolgan | Nomadic Reindeer Herders, Siberian Arctic, Taimyr …
Dolgan, Turkic-speaking people constituting the basic population of the Taymyr autonomous okrug, which is far above the Arctic Circle in north-central Russia. They numbered about 6,000 …
多尔干人 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
多爾幹人. 多尔干人 [1] (俄语: долганы ;該族自稱為 долган, тыа-кихи, саха),又译多尔甘人 [2] ,俄罗斯 突厥语民族。 分布于克拉斯諾亞爾斯克邊疆區、2002年人口有7261人,5517人在 …
Dolgan - History and Cultural Relations - World Culture …
The Dolgan are probably the most recent example within the Russian Federation of the formation of an independent ethnic group. Their consolidation began in the nineteenth century. At the …
Tundra aristocrats - This is Taimyr
You can immediately distinguish the Dolgan women from other peoples of Taimyr when they wear them on holidays. Reindeer boots, which the Dolgans and all other inhabitants of the North …
Dolgan - Encyclopedia.com
Jun 8, 2018 · Although Dolgan is particularly active among the twenty-six languages of the so-called Peoples of the Far North in Russia, the small number of speakers (6,000 out of the total …
ArcticPhoto - Facts
The Dolgans have the youngest Arctic culture, which only was recognised in the 19th Century. Scientists believe that the Dolgan evolved from a mixture of three other northern Siberian …
Dolgany - Encyclopedia.com
The contemporary Dolgan people are offi-cially recognized as an amalgam of Sakha, Evenki, Entsy, Russian, and Nganasany peoples. The name "Dolgan" is derived from one of the …
多尔干语 - 百度百科
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